Christian Tests

𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐓𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬

Mohamad Mostafa Nassar


Christian Tests

Christian Tests

  1. What was the first thing that God created?
  2. Which day did God create plants?
  3. What was the boat Noah built called?
  4. How many of each type of animal did Noah have on the ark?
  5. What is the symbol of God’s promise to Noah?
  6. Who received the 10 commandments from God?
  7. What are we told to do in the fifth commandment?
  8. What was the name of Moses’ brother?
  9. What food do we ask God to give us in the Lord’s prayer?
  10. People look on the outward appearance, but what does God look on?
  11. His father gave him a coat of many colors.
  12. Who was thrown into a lions’ den by King Darius?  This person prayed to God three times a day.
  13. This young boy defeated a giant.
  14. This prophet was swallowed by a fish.
  15. What animal was often used for transportation in the Bible?
  16. Who was the Son of God?
  17. What was the name of Jesus’ mother?
  18. What did Jesus’ father do for a job?
  19. Jesus told a parable about a prodigal _____.
  20. What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
  21. How many disciples or apostles did Jesus have?
  22. Which of the apostles betrayed Jesus?
  23. What is another name for the sermon on the mount?
  24. What did Jesus feed to 5,000 people
  25. What was the name of the Sea where Jesus calmed a storm.

Christian Test Answers

  1. What was the first thing that God created?
  2. Which day did God create plants?
  3. What was the boat Noah built called?
    AN ARK
  4. How many of each type of animal did Noah have on the ark?
  5. What is the symbol of God’s promise to Noah?
  6. Who received the 10 commandments from God?
  7. What are we told to do in the fifth commandment?
  8. What was the name of Moses’ brother?
  9. What food do we ask God to give us in the Lord’s prayer?
  10. People look on the outward appearance, but what does God look on?
    the HEART
  11. His father gave him a coat of many colors.
  12. Who was thrown into a lions’ den by King Darius?  This person prayed to God three times a day.
  13. This young boy defeated a giant.
  14. This prophet was swallowed by a fish.
  15. What animal was often used for transportation in the Bible?
    CAMEL or DONKEY  (either answer is correct)
  16. Who was the Son of God?
  17. What was the name of Jesus’ mother?
  18. What did Jesus’ father do for a job?
  19. Jesus told a parable about a prodigal _____.
  20. What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
  21. How many disciples or apostles did Jesus have?
  22. Which of the apostles betrayed Jesus?
  23. What is another name for the sermon on the mount?
  24. What did Jesus feed to 5,000 people
  25. What was the name of the Sea where Jesus calmed a storm.

  1. Name three Israelite kings.
    (Saul, David, Solomon)
  2. Who built the ark?
  3. Where did Jesus grow up?
  4. Who lived in Ur and moved to a country he did not know?
  5. What happened first? Murder of Abel or the great flood?
    (Murder of Abel)
  6. What was the name of the blind beggar at the gate of Jericho?
  7. Was Goliath a Philistine or an Egyptian?
  8. What was Jacob’s brother called?
  9. What happened first? The exodus of Egypt or the „fall of Jericho”?
  10. How many years of famine did Joseph prophesise to the Pharaohs?
  11. Which books come before and after the gospel according to Luke?
    (The gospels according to Mark and John)
  12. What was Jacob’s youngest son called?
  13. Where do we first hear about a shepherd?
    (Abel, 1. Moses 4,2)
  14. Who said: „How long will you waver between two opinions?”
    (Elijah on Mount Carmel)
  15. Which two birds did Noah send out of the ark as messengers?
    (Raven and dove)
  16. Who said: „I myself, and my house, want to serve the Lord!”?
  17. Which commander had leprosy?
  18. Which towns were destroyed by fire and brimstone?
    (Sodom and Gomorrah)
  19. Name three of Jesus’ disciples whose names begin with „J”.
    (Jacob, John and Judas)
  20. How many people were saved on the ark?
  21. Who had a coat made of camel hair and ate locusts and wild honey?
    (John the Baptist)
  22. Who said to whom: „A person sees what is in front of his eyes but God sees the heart”?
    (God to Samuel)
  23. What is quoted in John 14,6?
    (I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me).
  24. Which type of animal did Balaam ride?
    (A donkey)
  25. What type of tree did Zaccariah climb?
    (Mulberry-fig tree)

  1. Who commanded the sun and moon to stay still?
  2. For which type of tree was Lebanon well known?
  3. How did Stephanus die?
    (Stoned to death)
  4. Where was Jesus taken prisoner?
  5. Which biblical book tells of David and Goliath?
    (1. Samuel)
  6. Is Horeb the name of a town or a mountain?
    (A mountain)
  7. Where did a jailer find his faith?
  8. What were the two sons of Zebadee (one of the disciples) called?
    (John and Jacob)
  9. Which book reports on the missionary travels of Paul?
    (The Acts of the Apostles)
  10. What was Jacob’s eldest son called?
  11. Name three prisoners mentioned in the bible.
    (Joseph, Samson, Paul)
  12. Who prophesised the coming of Jesus shortly beforehand?
    (John the Baptist)
  13. What were the names of the mother and grandmother of Jacob?
    (Rebecca, Sara)
  14. Name three prophets?
    (Elijah, Jeremiah, Jonah)
  15. What happened first? Jesus’ christening or the feeding of the 5000?
    (Jesus’ christening)
  16. Name three missionaries named in the bible.
    (Paul, Silas, Barnabas)
  17. What was Ruth’s husband called?
  18. Which illness did Mephiboseth suffer from?
    (He was lame)
  19. What came first? Elias ascension or Enoch’s rapture?
    (Enoch’s rapture)
  20. Who made the golden calf and the bronze snake?
    (Aaron, Moses)
  21. Name three women in the bible whose names begin with „R”.
    (Rebecca, Rachel, Ruth)
  22. Which king had a sundial?
  23. Which disciple found a coin in the mouth of a fish?
  24. What was Harn’s father called? What were his brothers called?
    (Noah, Shem, Japheth)
  25. What is written in 1. Timothy 2,4?
    (God wants all people to be saved and come to recognise the truth.)

  1. Name three soldiers mentioned in the bible.
    (Joab, Naemann, Cornelius)
  2. In which book of the bible to we read about Haman?
  3. Which 3 books of the old testament begin with the letter „M”?
    (Moses, Micah, Malachi)
  4. Which Roman was in charge of cultivation in Syria at the time of Jesus’ birth?
  5. What happened first? Preacher Paul on the Areopagus or the execution of Jacob?
    (Execution of Jacob)
  6. What were the names of Abraham’s brothers?
    (Nahor, Haran)
  7. What was the name of a female judge and her companion?
    (Deborah, Barak)
  8. What happened first? Appointment of Matthew as an apostle or the appearance of the Holy Spirit?
    (Appointment of Matthew as an apostle)
  9. What was the goddess in Ephesus called who was worshipped the most?
  10. What was Priscilla’s husband called; which job did he have?
    (Aquila, tent maker)
  11. Name three sons of David.
    (Salomon, Absalom, Nathan)
  12. Who was Bernice?
    (The wife of king Agrippa)
  13. What happened first? The beheading of John or the feeding of the 5000?
    (John was beheaded)
  14. Who was Ahasveros?
    (A Persian king, Xerxes 1.)
  15. Where in the bible are apples mentioned for the first time?
    (Proverbs 25,11)
  16. Who said: „See, I have not heard the half of it. You have more knowledge and goodness than me, this is rumour I have heard”.
    (The queen of Saba to Solomon)
  17. What was the great-grandson of Boa called?
  18. Who said: „It won’t take much more for you to convince to become a Christian”?
    (Agrippa to Paul)
  19. Who was Zippora?
    (Moses’ wife)
  20. How old did Enoch become?
    (365 years old)
  21. Who said: „Philistines rule over you!”?
    (Delilah to Samson)
  22. What was Timotheus grandmother called?
  23. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.
    (The tongue/James 3,5)
  24. Which names were Daniel and his three friends given in Babylon?
    (Belshazzar, Sadrach, Mesach, Abednego)
  25. What is written in 2. Corinthians 5,20?
    (We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors as though God were making his appeal through us; We implore you on God’s behalf: Be reconciled with God!)

  1. What does Jahwe-Schammah mean?
    (God himself/Ezekiel 48,35)
  2. How much bread and fish was available to feed the 5000? How many baskets were left over?
    (7 x bread and several small fish, 7 baskets/Matthew 15,3)
  3. What is the name of the storm winds which can hit Crete?
    (Euroklydon/Acts. 27,14)
  4. How many wonders did Elijah and Elisa perform?
    (Elisa performed exactly twice as many as Elijah. Deliverance 2. Kings 2,9)
  5. When was Passover celebrated? Day and month.
    (14th day of the 1st month)
  6. What was the name of the first tool maker in the bible?
    (Tubalkain/1. Moses 4,22)
  7. What did Jacob call the place where he fought with God?
    (Pniel/1. Moses 32,30)
  8. How many chapters does the book Jeremiah have? How many verses does the letter of Judas have?
    (52, 25)
  9. What is written in Romans 1,20+21a?
    (For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. For although they knew God they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him.)
  10. Who is Peter’s first letter addressed to?
    (The dispersed strangers)
  11. Where is “Satan’s throne”?
    (In purgatory/Revelations 2,12.13)
  12. These promote controversies rather than God’s work – which is by faith (1Timothy 1,4).
    (Tales, gender register)
  13. What happened with the animals which were killed as a sacrifice?
    (They were burned outside of the camp /3 Mo 4,1-12)
  14. What was shown on the high priest’s head band?
    ( Holiness of Jahwe/2. Mo 39,30)
  15. What was Job’s mother called?
    (Zeruja/2 Samuel 2,13)
  16. How many wonders did God perform?
    (They cannot be counted/Job 5,8.9)
  17. Which job/position in Israelite society did Ezra have?
    (Land cultivator/Ezra 7,1; priest, scribe/Ezra 7,11)
  18. What were the two columns called on the temple built by Solomon?
    (Jakin, Boas/l kings 7,21)
  19. Which books come before and after Daniel?
    (Ezekiel, Hosea)
  20. Who said: „His blood comes over us and our children”?
    (The people of Israel at the release of Barrabas)
  21. Which spirit was in the possessed girl in Philippi?
    (A python spirit/Acts 16,16)
  22. Which thing were the only things to be taken over from the Old Testament during the council of Apostles in Jerusalem?
    (Instead we should write to them, telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood / Acts 15,20)
  23. What did Epaphroditus do?
    (He brought Paul a gift from the Philippians 2,25-27; 4,18)
  24. Where did Paul leave his coat?
    (In Troas, Carpus)
  25. How many years went by before Paul moved back to Jerusalem?
    (14 years/Galatians 2,1)

  • When Samson killed 1000 Philistines at Lehi what weapon did he use? —– Ans: The jawbone of an ass (Judges 15:15)
  • How old was David when he was anointed King of Israel? —– Ans: 30 years (2 Samuel 5:4)
  • Which disciples witnessed Jesus’ Transfiguration? —– Ans: Peter, James & John (Matthew 17:1-2, Mark 9:2, Luke 9:28-29) In Damascus, whose sight was restored by Ananias? —– Ans: Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9:17-18)
  • To whom did Jesus say, “Get thee behind me, Satan”? —– Ans: Peter (Matthew 16:23 & Mark 8:33) and Satan (Luke 4:8)
  • What are the final words of Jesus recorded in the New Testament? —– Ans: “Surely I come quickly” (Revelations 22:20)
  • Prior to his conversion, how did Saul refer to the followers of Jesus Christ? —–Ans: The Way (Acts 9:2)
  • How many rivers were formed from the river that went out of Eden? —– Ans: Four (Genesis 2:10) [Pishon, Gihon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates]
  • What is the name of the place where Jacob slept and dreamed of Jacob’s Ladder? —– Ans: Bethel (Genesis 28:19)
  • Who told Naaman to wash in the river Jordan seven times in order to cure his leprosy? —– Ans: Elisha (2 Kings 5:10)
  • Who announced to Zachariah that his wife would bear a child to be named John (the Baptist)? —– Ans: The Angel Gabrieal (Luke 1:13)
  • Who said, “…as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”? —– Ans: Joshua (Joshua 24:15)
  • In what village was Christ when he turned the water into wine? —– Ans: Cana of Galilee (John 2:11)
  • How is the name “Emmanuel” interpreted? —– Ans: God is with us (Matthew 2:23)
  • God tested Abraham by telling him to offer his only son as a burnt offering. Who was that son? —– Ans: Isaac (Genesis 22:2)
  • How much was Judas paid to betray Jesus? —– Ans: 30 pieces of silver (Matthew 26:15)
  • Who personally baptized more people, Jesus or John the Baptist? —– Ans: John the Baptist (John 4:2)
  • Who witnessed Elijah being taken up to Heaven? —– Ans: Elisha (2 Kings 2: 11-12)
  • Who hid Joshua’s spies from Jericho’s king? —– Ans: Rahab (Joshua 2:1-4)
  • Moses died at age 120 and was buried in a valley of Moab. Who buried him? —– Ans: The Lord (Deuteronomy 34: 6)
  • How many years were the Israelites in bondage in Egypt? —– Ans: 430 (Exodous 12:40-41)
  • When they heard of the adversity that had befallen Job, how many of his friends came to comfort him? —– Ans. Three (Job 2:11)
  • Who is the only woman mentioned in Paul’s letter to Philemon? —– Ans: Apphia, a Christian of Colossae (Philemon 2)
  • What part of the day did Christ embark on the boat from which He calmed the waters? —– Ans: Evening (Mark 4:35)
  • The Bible says Jesus had four brothers. What were their names? —– Ans: James, Joses (Joseph), Simon and Judas (Mark 6:3 & Matthew 13:55)
  • After his epiphany, how long did Paul spend in Arabia before beginning his ministry? —– Ans: Three years (Galatians 1:18)
  • How many troops did Sennacherib lose at the siege of Jerusalem? —– Ans: 185,000 (2 Kings 19:35)
  • Who was the father of John the Baptist? —– Ans: Zacharias (Luke 3:2)
  • How many demons came out of Mary called Magdalene? —– Ans: Seven (Luke 8:2)
  • When the multitude came out to be baptized, how did John the Baptist characterize them? —– Ans: Brood of vipers (Luke 3:7)
  • From what tribe of Israel did the Apostle Paul come? —– Ans: Benjamin (Philippians 3:5)
  • Who directed Paul to preach to the Gentiles? —– Ans: Jesus Christ (Acts 26:17)
  • Who was the king of Israel when David slew Goliath? —– Ans: Saul (1 Samuel 17)
  • To whom did God describe Job as a perfect and upright man? —– Ans: Satan (Job 1:8)
  • Who said, “Silver and Gold have I none, but such as I have I give thee?” —– Ans: Peter (Acts 3:6)
  • James the brother of John was the first Apostle martyred. How was he killed? —– Ans: With a sword (Acts 12:2)
  • How old was Abraham when his son Isaac was born? —– Ans: 100 years (Genesis 21:5)
  • What was the title placed on Jesus’ cross? —– Ans: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS (Luke 24:38) or JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS (John 19:19)
  • Who took his rod and stretched out his hand upon the waters of Egypt to turn them into blood? —– Ans: Aaron (Exodus 7: 19-20)
  • Where were the disciples first called Christians? —– Ans. Antioch (Acts 11:26)
  • When Jesus struggled with his cross, who was forced to bear it for him? —– Ans. Simon from Cyrene (Mark 15:21; Matthew 27:32)
  • According to the Book of Revelations, what needs to be done to receive the crown of life? —– Ans. Be thou faithful unto death (Revelations 2:10)
  • Two bodies of water were parted in the Bible. What were they? —– Ans: Red Sea by Moses (Exodus 14:21-22) & the Jordan River by Joshua (Joshua 3:7 through 4:18) and by Elijah and Elisha (2 Kings 2: 2-8 and 13-14)
  • How tall was Goliath? —– Ans: 6 cubits and a span (1 Samuel 17:4) (approx 9+ feet)
  • The Gospel of Matthew establishes the lineage of Jesus. How many generations are there between Abraham and Jesus? —– Ans: (Matthew 1:17)
  • What did Paul say was the fulfillment of the Law? —– Ans: Love (Romans 13:10)
  • Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible. What is the shortest? —– Ans: Psalm 117
  • What are the dimensions of the Arc of the Covenant? —– Ans: 2 ½ cubits long, 1 ½ cubits wide, 1 ½ cubits high (Exodus 37:1)
  • There are only two perfect cubes described in Scripture. What are they? —– Ans: The Most Holy Place (1 Kings 6:20) and New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:16)
  • God parted the Red Sea so Moses and the Israelites could cross. What body of water did He part so Joshua and the Israelites could cross? —– Ans: Jordan River (Joshua 3:15-17)
  • At Christ’s crucifixion when did darkness come over the whole land and how long did it last? —– Ans: Noon for three hours (Matthew 27:45)
  • How old was Gideon when he died? —– Ans: A good old age (Judges 8:32)
  • How many persons were sealed as “servants of our God on their forehead”? —– Ans: 144,000 (Revelations 7:4)
  • What is the name of the City of God? —– Ans: New Jerusalem (Revelations 3:12)
  • Who was the father of David? —– Ans: Jesse (Ruth 4:22)
  • To which king did Isaac hide his spousal relationship with Rebecca by claiming she was his sister? —– Ans: Abimelech (Genesis 26: 1-9)
  • Who were the three named women who found Christ’s tomb open and empty? —– Ans: Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James (Luke 24:10)
  • To which tribe of Israel did Moses belong? —– Ans: Levi (Exodus 2:1)
  • Which gospels are the Synoptic Gospels? —– Ans: Matthew, Mark & Luke
  • To what land did Moses flee after killing the Egyptian soldier? —– Ans: Midian (Exodus 2:15)
  • Who was the eldest brother, Aaron or Moses? ans. Aaron (Exodus 7:7)
  • Christ’s first miracle was turning water into wine. Where did this occur? —– Ans: The wedding at Cana (John 2:6-9)
  • Sarah was Abraham’s first wife. Who was his second? ans. Keturah (Genesis 25:1)
  • What relic did Moses remove from Egypt at the time of the Exodus? —– Ans: The bones of Joseph (Exodus 13:19)
  • How old was Abraham when he was circumcised? —– Ans: 99 (Genesis 17:
  • What is the sign of the covenant between God and Abraham? —– Ans: Male circumcision (Genesis 17:10)
  • After Christ’s triumphal entrance into Jerusalem and after visiting the temple, where did he spend the night? —– Ans: In Bethany (Mark 11:11)
  • The first two disciples selected by Jesus were brothers. Name them. —– Ans: Simon and Andrew (Mark 1:16)
  • Which of the tribes of Israel was prohibited from owning land in Canaan? —– Ans: The Levites (Deuteronomy 18:2)
  • What city is called the City of David? —– Ans: Bethlehem (Luke 2:4) Who ate honey out of a lion’s carcass? —– Ans: Samson (Judges 14:5-9)
  • What famous city did Nebuchadnezzar rule? —– Ans: Babylon Who was Israel’s first high priest? —– Ans: Aaron (Exodus 28)
  • What colours of yarn were used to create the sacred ephod and breast piece worn by the high priest Aaron? —– Ans: Gold, blue, purple and scarlet (Exodus 28)
  • Who were the parents of King Solomon? —– Ans: David and Bathsheba
  • In the Bible, who did the sun and moon stand still before? —– Ans: Joshua
  • How many books of the Bible are named after women? —– Ans: two – Ruth and Esther
  • Who is the only woman whose age is mentioned in the Bible? —– Ans: Sarah
  • In the Bible, for what “price” did Esau sell his birthright to his younger twin brother, Jacob? —– Ans: pottage of lentils (Genesis 25:29-34)
  • What is the name of the sea where Christ harnessed a raging storm? —– Ans: the Sea of Galilee.
  • Name the books in the Bible christened after women. —– Ans: Ruth and Esther.
  • Name the cities spiflicated by God in the Book of Genesis. —– Ans: Sodom and Gomorrah.
  • Name Goliath’s chosen arms for fighting with David. —– Ans: sword and a spear, Samuel 17:45.
  • How many Jews were exiled to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar? —– Ans: 4600 (Jeremiah 52:30)
  • When Moses was preparing the Israelites for their coming confrontation with the seven nations of Canaan, how large an army did he raise? —– Ans: 603,550 (Numbers 1:46)
  • When God finally let the Israelites enter the promised land of Canaan, how many nations had to be destroyed? —– Ans: Seven (Acts 13:19)
  • Who leapt in his mother’s womb when Mary visited? —– Ans: John the Baptist (Luke 1:41)
  • What does “Golgotha” mean? —– Ans: The place of the skull (Matthew 27:33; Mark 15:22; John 19:17)
  • After the 5000 ate their fill of the 5 loaves and 2 fishes, how much food was left over? —– Ans: Twelve baskets full (Matthew 14:20)
  • On the seventh day, how many times did Joshua’s army march around Jericho before the walls fell? —– Ans: Seven (Joshua 6:5)
  • What did Moses do that kept him from entering the land of Canaan? —– Ans: He brought forth water from the rock by striking it twice with his rod rather than by speaking to it as God commanded. (Numbers 20:8-12)
  • Who did God describe as “a blameless and upright man”? —– Ans: Job (Job 1:8)
  • What were the two animals in the Old Testament that spoke to humans? —– Ans: A Serpent (Genesis 3:1-4) and an Ass (Numbers 22:28-30)
  • Whose flock was Moses tending when he encountered the burning bush? —– Ans: Jethro, his father-in-law (Exodus 3:1)
  • Who said, “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have I give thee”? —– Ans: Peter (Acts 3:6)
  • How long was Jonah in the belly of the great fish? —– Ans: Three days and three nights (Jonah 1:17)
  • How many days did Joshua’s troops march around Jerico before the walls fell? —– Ans: Seven days (Joshua 6:3-5: Hebrews 11:3)
  • What was the handwriting on the wall? —– Ans: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN [PARSIN] (Daniel 5: 26-28)
  • Where is King David buried? —– Ans: The City of David [Old Jerusalem] (1 Kings 2:10)
  • At the transfiguration who appeared and talked to Christ? —– Ans: Elijah and Moses (Matthew 17:3; Mark 9:4; Luke 9:30)

God’s Testimony: The Divine Authorship Of The Qur’an

A Search for God: Falsification Tests on the Quran

The Falsification Test of Surah Baqarah=Chapter the Cow- Quran

Clarification about the temporary impact of witchcraft on Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him.

Prophet Muhammed as a victim of a black magic and lies from non-Muslims

Was Prophet Muhammed Demon Possessed and Suicidal?

Does The Glorious Quran (10:5), Quran (71:16), and Quran (25:61) imply that the moon is self-illuminous?

Is this the reason Iblis/Shaytan/Satan had authority over Mohammad to bewitched and deceive him?

Bewitchment of the Prophet 

The story of magic against the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and its meaning

Response to the false claim that the Prophet was Affected by Black Magic!

What the Bible Say about Astrology, Divination, Spirit Mediums, Magic, Wizardry, and Necromancy

God’s Testimony: The Divine Authorship of The Qur’an 

  Did Prophet Muhammed Pass Away Due to Poisoning

Was Jesus Poisoned?

The Alleged Poisoning of Prophet Muhammed

The Miracle of the Poisoned Sheep that Prophet Muhammed ate.

Refutting the lie that Muhammad died because he was poisoned

Reconciling between the verse “Allah will protect you from the people” and the death of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him).

Prophet Muhammed and the General agonies of death

Did any of the Companions of the Prophet=Sahaabah drink the blood of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)?

The Miracles of Quran

Bible Quiz Answers

Christian school criticized over dinosaur test