Doesn’t John 20:17 clearly debunk Christianity beliefs and the fabricated trinity mythology?
Mohamad Mostafa Nassar
Does John 20:17 debunk Christian beliefs?
Short answer is yes,the first part, playing with words: the confusion is the lost in translation from Aramaic to Hebrew to Greek to Latin to old English to new English. From fugitive to literary meaning like the word Lord, this title nowadays is given to God the creator, back then this title lord was given to someone in a higher position like a king, employer, judge, teacher, prophet, priest, landlord, etc… out of respect as we nowadays use the word sir, mister, boss, etc…or someone younger master. Only courts and certain circles still use this term lord, majesty, honor, etc…

The foolishness of assuming because anyone back then was addressed as lord, that they were then gods, like the house of Lord’s is to be assumed that it is the house of gods?
Various places in the Bible the next words son of man, meaning human being and son of God means God’s creation (human beings again). This title is also reserved for prophets or people such as priest that are God’s servants.
Father is the Lord Almighty, He is unlike us humans that has quality of shape, sex or form. So chances of begetting or begotten any children can be forgotten. Also forget about the Lord Almighty “covering” or “coming onto” any 12 year old virgin girl. Adam, Eve and Jesus were created by the simple command “BE” and they were.
How let’s look at the Bible with a new perspective:
16 Jesus *said to her, “Mary!” She turned and *said to Him in Hebrew, “Rabboni!” (which means, Teacher). 17 Jesus *said to her, “Stop clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father (*Lord Almighty); but go to My brethren and say to them, ‘I ascend to My Father (*creator) and your Father (*creator), and My God and your God.’” 18 Mary Magdalene *came, announcing to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord (*Teacher),” and that He had said these things to her.
See how they use the wrong and yet right words “Lord” just to confuse and mislead the reader. Misleading or trying to trick someone is the devils evil plan.
“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” (Matthew 22:36 NIV). Jesus replied, ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments” (Matthew 22:37-40 NIV).
The Lord Our God, The Lord is One; Thou shalt love thy Lord, thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind”, before also referring to a second commandment, “And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” Most Christian denominations consider these two commandments …
There you have the words of Jesus, your Lord God is 1 and not 2 or 3.
Getting to know more about the bible:
A Chronological New Testament
By Marcus Borg
“A chronological New Testament is different from and yet the same as the New Testament familiar to Christians. It contains the same 27 documents, but sequences them in the chronological order in which they were written.
The familiar New Testament begins with the Gospels and concludes with Revelation for obvious reasons. Jesus is the central figure of Christianity and so the New Testament begins with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Revelation is about “the last things” and the second coming of Jesus, so it makes sense that it comes at the end.
Revelation and the Gospels function as bookends for the New Testament. Everything else comes between: Acts, 13 letters attributed to Paul, and eight attributed to other early Christian figures.
A chronological New Testament sequences the documents very differently. Its order is based on contemporary mainstream biblical scholarship. Though there is uncertainty about dating some of the documents, there is a scholarly consensus about the basic framework.
It begins with seven letters attributed to Paul, all from the 50s. The first Gospel is Mark (not Matthew), written around 70. Revelation is not last, but almost in the middle, written in the 90s. Twelve documents follow Revelation, with II Peter the last, written as late as near the middle of the second century.
A chronological New Testament is not only about sequence, but also about chronological context — the context-in-time, the historical context in which each document was written. Words have their meaning within their temporal contexts, in the New Testament and the Bible as a whole”
Who Wrote The Bible? This Is What The Actual Historical Evidence Says
Comparing the Scribes of the Qur’an and Bible
By Richard Stockton
Set aside what religious tradition says, and discover who wrote the Bible according to the scholars who have examined the actual evidence.
Who Wrote The Bible: The New Testament
Wikimedia CommonsA depiction of Jesus delivering the Sermon on the Mount.
Finally, the question of who wrote the Bible turns to the texts dealing with Jesus and beyond.
In time, Hellenistic rule fell apart in the area and was replaced by the Romans. It was during this time, early in the first century A.D., that one of the Jews from Nazareth inspired a new religion, one that saw itself as a continuation of Jewish tradition, but with scriptures of its own:
- Gospels: The four Gospels in the King James Bible — Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John — tell the story of Jesus’ life and death (and what came after that). These books are named after Jesus’ apostles, although these books’ actual authors may have just been using those names for street cred. The first Gospel to be written may have been Mark, which then inspired Matthew and Luke (John differs from the others). Alternatively, all three may have been based on a now-lost older book known to scholars as Q. Whatever the case, evidence suggests that Acts seems to have been written at the same time (the end of the first century A.D.) and by the same author as Mark.
- Epistles: The Epistles are a series of letters, written to various early congregations in the eastern Mediterranean, by a single individual. Saul of Tarsus famously converted after an encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, after which he changed his name to Paul and became the single most enthusiastic missionary of the new religion. Along the way to his eventual martyrdom, Paul wrote Epistles of James, Peter, Johns, and Jude.
- Apocalypse: The book of Revelation has traditionally been attributed to the Apostle John. Unlike the other traditional attributions, this one wasn’t very far off in terms of actual historical authenticity, though this book was written a little late for someone who claimed to know Jesus personally. John, of Revelation fame, seems to have been a converted Jew who wrote his vision of the End Times on the Greek island of Patmos about 100 years after Jesus’ death.
While the writings attributed to John actually do show some congruity between who wrote the Bible according to tradition and who wrote the Bible according to historical evidence, the question of Biblical authorship remains thorny, complex, and contested.
An Introduction to the Gospels
Written over the course of almost a century after Jesus’ death, the four gospels of the New Testament, though they tell the same story, reflect very different ideas and concerns.
by Marilyn Mellowes
A period of forty years separates the death of Jesus from the writing of the first gospel. History offers us little direct evidence about the events of this period, but it does suggest that the early Christians were engaged in one of the most basic of human activities: story-telling. In the words of Mike White, “It appears that between the death of Jesus and the writing of the first gospel, Mark, that they clearly are telling stories. They’re passing on the tradition of what happened to Jesus, what he stood for and what he did, orally, by telling it and retelling it. And in the process they are defining Jesus for themselves.” (Aka Folklore)
These shared memories, passed along by word of mouth, are known as “oral tradition.” (AKA Folklore stories of Jesus). They included stories of Jesus’ miracles and healings, his parables and teachings, and his death. Eventually some stories were written down. The first written documents probably included an account of the death of Jesus and a collection of sayings attributed to him.
Then, in about the year 70 CE, the evangelist known as Mark wrote the first “gospel” — the words mean “good news” about Jesus. We will never know the writer’s real identity, or even if his name was Mark, since it was common practice in the ancient world to attribute written works to famous people. But we do know that it was Mark’s genius to first to commit the story of Jesus to writing, and thereby inaugurated the gospel tradition.
“The gospels are very peculiar types of literature. They’re not biographies,” says Prof. Paula Fredriksen, “they are a kind of religious advertisement. What they do is proclaim their individual author’s interpretation of the Christian message through the device of using Jesus of Nazareth as a spokesperson for the evangelists’ position.”
About 15 years after Mark, in about the year 85 CE, the author known as Matthew composed his work, drawing on a variety of sources, including Mark and from a collection of sayings that scholars later called “Q”, for Quelle, meaning source. The Gospel of Luke was written about fifteen years later, between 85 and 95. Scholars refer to these three gospels as the “synoptic gospels”, because they “see” things in the same way. The Gospel of John, sometimes called “the spiritual gospel,” was probably composed between 90 and 100 CE. Its style and presentation clearly set it apart from the other three.
Each of the four gospels depicts Jesus in a different way. These characterizations reflect the past experiences and the particular circumstances of their authors’ communities. The historical evidence suggests that Mark wrote for a community deeply affected by the failure of the First Jewish Revolt against Rome.
Luke wrote for a predominately Gentile audience eager to demonstrate that Christian beliefs in no way conflicted with their ability to serve as a good citizen of the Empire.
Despite these differences, all four gospels contain the “passion narrative,” the central story of Jesus’ suffering and death. That story is directly connected to the Christian ritual of the Eucharist. As Helmut Koester has observed, the ritual cannot “live” without the story.
While the gospels tell a story about Jesus, they also reflect the growing tensions between Christians and Jews. By the time Luke composed his work, tension was breaking into open hostility. By the time John was written, the conflict had become an open rift, reflected in the vituperative invective of the evangelist’s language.
In the words of Prof. Eric Meyers, “Most of the gospels reflect a period of disagreement, of theological disagreement. And the New Testament tells a story of a broken relationship, and that’s part of the sad story that evolves between Jews and Christians, because it is a story that has such awful repercussions in later times.”…
Well there you have it:
The new testament was written between period of 50 to 100 years later after Jesus, by aspired men for using the legendary Jesus as their own personal pawns for their own political agendas.
None of them ever knew or met Jesus, as suggested they collected and gathered folklore tales. There is no mentioning of who the actual witness were or who narrate these story or from whom they heard it from (chain of custody). Was this narrative source checked to make sure if it was authenticity or a character reference check.
There are constantly referring to this magical Qsource. It may be thee original gospel of Jesus which is “missing”. Why would something so important just go “missing” or rather not be made available to the public, perhaps it possible that it advocates the total opposite doctrine to what is false preached.
Constantine was a pagan, right up to his almost very last dieing breath and so call accepted Christianity on the very last second, is rather suspicious. He and his majority pagan council decided that these books were to become gospel but they were actually autobiographies of Jesus and books that did support their ideaolgy were removed.
Hence we can now agree that the Bible (new testament) is not the word of God but of aspired authors with hidden and political agendas.