Papyrus 75, P75


Papyrus 75, P75


Late 2nd / Early 3rd Century CE.

Some scholars have dated the manuscript to the late 2nd century and others early 3rd century CE.


Jabal Abu Mana, just north of the Dishna plain and 12 kms east of Jabal al-Tarif.


About 13 cm. x 26 cm. There are 38-45 lines per page. Click here for the image.

There are 36 folios (= 72 leaves, 144 pages).


Luke 3:18-22; 3:33 – 4:2; 4:34 – 5:10; 5:37 – 6:4; 6:10 – 7:32, 35-39, 41-43; 7:46 – 9:2; 9:4 – 17:15; 17:19 – 18:18; 22:4 – 24:53; John 1:1 – 11:45, 48-57; 12:3 – 13:1, 8-9; 14:8-29; 15:7-8.

The manuscript does not include the pericope of the adulteress (7:53 – 8:11), making it the second earliest witness (next to P66) not to include this spurious passage.

Textual Character

Textual scholars have a high regard for P75‘s textual fidelity. Metzger calls it “proto-Alexandrian”; the Alands say it has a “strict” text.


The writing is an attractive vertical uncial – elegant and well-crafted, suggesting that the scribe was a professional.


Bibliotheca Bodmeriana, Cologny-Geneva, Switzerland.


[1] K. Aland, “Neue neutestamentliche papyri III”, New Testament Studies, 1975-76, Volume 22, pp. 375-396.

[2] P. W. Comfort & David P. Barrett, The Complete Text Of The Earliest New Testament Manuscripts, 1999, Baker Books: Grand Rapids (Michigan), United States of America, pp. 491-497.