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Huge Protests led by Muslims after the publication of the Novel โ€˜Satanic versesโ€ in which the Indian writer Salman Rushdie insulted Islam and Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him. Rushdieโ€™s novel unintentionally contributed to the conversion to Islam of Chief Inspector of Londonโ€™s Counter-Terrorism Command: Richard Varley.

Richard Varley due to his job had to read the Glorious Holy Qurโ€™an, to understand why Muslims around the world were furious, with tertiary Education background in Geology Richard Varley was attracked to some Quranic verses that touched on some Scientific Geological facts.

The Glorious Holy Quran astonished him to the point that made him and his wife accept Islam in London’s Central Mosque and testify that there is No deity worthy of worship except Allah and Prophet Muhammed is his last and final, Prophet and Messenger till judgement day.

Some of the actions of Queen Elizabeth the Supreme Governor and Defender of the Faith of the Church of England seen to be hostile, Islamophobic and inflammatory towards Islam and Muslims.

In June 2007, Queen Elizabeth II knighted  Salman Rushdie for his services to literature.  Salman Rushdie wrote His fourth novel, The Satanic Verses (1988) which, In 2008, The Times ranked him thirteenth on its list of the 50 greatest British writers since 1945. Rushdie depicted a character modeled on the Prophet Muhammad . Portraying both Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him and his transcription of the Qurสพฤn in a manner that, after the novelโ€™s publication in the summer of 1988, drew criticism from Muslim community leaders in Britain, who denounced the novel as blasphemous. Public demonstrations against the book spread to Pakistan in January 1989.

On February 14 the spiritual leader of revolutionary Iran, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, publicly condemned the book and issued a fatwa (legal opinion) against Rushdie; a bounty was offered to anyone who would execute him.

Salman Rushdie went into hiding under the protection of Scotland Yard, andโ€”although he occasionally emerged unexpectedly, sometimes in other countriesโ€”he was compelled to restrict his movements.

In 1983, Rushdie was elected a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, the UK’s senior literary organisation. He was appointed Commandeur de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres of France in January 1999. 

Since 2000, Rushdie has lived in the United States. He was named Distinguished Writer in Residence at the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute of New York University in 2015. Earlier, he taught at Emory University.

He was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters. In 2012, he published Joseph Anton: A Memoir, an account of his life in the wake of the controversy over The Satanic Verses.

Some Historical Facts leading:

Queen Elizabeth is seen to be the โ€œDefender of the Faithโ€ of the Church of England. Not only is Queen Elizabeth the head of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, but she also is the Supreme Governor and Defender of the Faith of the Church of England, the state church of England that broke with Roman Catholicism in the 16th century.

According to the royal familyโ€™s website, these titles date back to King Henry VIIIโ€™s reign when he was given the title โ€œDefender of the Faithโ€ by Pope Leo X in 1521. However, when the pope refused to annul Henry VIIIโ€™s marriage to his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, after she failed to produce a male heir to the throne, the king renounced the Papacyโ€™s authority in 1534 and divorced her.

After this historical break with Rome, Henry VIII established himself as the “the only supreme head of the Church of England called Anglicana Ecclesia,โ€ according to the BBC.

Mary I and trying to restore Roman Catholicism in England

While Mary I tried to restore Roman Catholicism in England, her sister Elizabeth I declared herself the โ€œSupreme Governorโ€ of the Church of England when she took over the crown in 1558. And since then, the royal family has practiced Anglicanism, a form of Christianity.

Even though the Queen is acknowledged as the Supreme Governor of the Church of England still today, the Archbishop of Canterbury is the head cleric of the church.

At the Queenโ€™s 1953 coronation, the Archbishop of Canterbury anointed her and she took an oath to “maintain and preserve inviolably the settlement of the Church of England, and the doctrine worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established in England.โ€

As the Church of England spread throughout the world, it took on different names in different countries. This group of separate churches are known as the Anglican Communion, but the mother church is still the Church of England with the Archbishop of Canterbury as the united head of the communion.

The Archbishop of Canterbury

Justin Welby is a British bishop. He is currently the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury and the most senior bishop in the Church of England.  DNA test reveals Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby is illegitimate son of Sir Winston Churchill’s private secretary (Justin Welby is very surprised but we are not surprised)-

We wonder how Justin Welby would be so surprised to know that he was born out of a fling out of the wedlock which make him an illegitimate son and where was the holy spirit that he claims to have???


It is sad to see that much hypocrisy and malicious attitudes towards Islam in the actions of the โ€œDefender of the Faithโ€ of the Church of England, current Queen Elizabeth II , in knighting ย Salman Rushdie and goes to reflect how “love your enemies myth” had been violated by the โ€œDefender of the Faithโ€ of the Church of England, current Queen Elizabeth II

Justin Welby The Archbishop of Canterbury should have resigned

Without forgetting to highlight the hypocrisy of Justin Welby The Archbishop of Canterbury who knew that DNA test reveals Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby is illegitimate son of Sir Winston Churchill’s private secretary.

Justin Welby knows also the Deuteronomy 23:2 Prohibts him from assuming and positions in ANY CHURCH- yes it is not his fault that his mum committed adultery prior to marring his father.

At least he should resign from his position to show some integrity and respect for what he claim to stand for Deuteronomy 23:2 , well Justin Welby The Archbishop of Canterbury can see that same sex marriages are legall in all of the United Kingdom.

Allah knows Best


Destroying the myth of Satanic Verses once and for All. โ€“ Detailed refutation of Christian Prince

Love your Enemies Myth Refuted

Salman Rushdie

DNA test reveals Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby is illegitimate son of Sir Winston Churchill’s private secretary

Church of England

Archbishop of Canterbury

Justin Welby

same sex marriages are legall in all of the United Kingdom.