The Narrators of Mainstream Muslims=Sunni Muslim= Ahl Al Sunnah Wa Al-Jamah VS the Narrators of the Shi’a religion

Our Deen is based on the Glorious Quran and the blessed authentic Sunnah of Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him.

If one examines the Glorious Quran and the blessed authentic Sunnah, he will find that both are transmitted to the Muslims via the illustrious companions of the Prophet May Allah be pleased with them.

Those regarding whom Almighty Allah had granted the glad tidings of Jannah in this very world. Almighty Allah declares in the Glorious Qur’an:

رَضِیَ اللّٰهُ عَنْهُمْ وَرَضُوْا عَنْهُ

Almighty Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Almighty Allah.

In the authentic Hadith of Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him, bore testimony to the fact that his companions may Allah be pleased with them are the greatest of Muslims across all generations, in fact they are the best.

Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him said, “companions may Allah be pleased with them are like guiding stars for my Muslim nation. Whichever of them you follow, you will be rightly guided.” (Muntakhab Musnad Abd ibnu Humaid #781)

Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him had cursed all those who revile his companions of the Prophet May Allah be pleased with them saying, “May the curse of Almighty Allah be on such people who are the worst of the creation.” (Sunan Tirmizi #3866)

The crux of the matter is that the companions of the Prophet May Allah be pleased with them – the greatest of this Muslim nation – are the narrators of the Qur’an Majeed and Hadith and their integrity and reliability is impeccable.

On the contrary, when we study the religion of the Shia, we find that their religion is based on the statements of their Imams. They regard the statements of their Imams to be higher than the statements of the Prophet’s peace be upon them.

Khomeini, an Iranian Shi’a scholar, writes regarding the rank of their Imams:

وإن من ضروريات مذهبنا أن لأئمتنا مقاما لا يبلغه لا ملك مقرب ولا نبي مرسل

“Among the essential and fundamental beliefs of our religion (Shia) is the belief that our Innocent Imams hold the station which could not be reached by any favored Angel, Prophet or Messenger” (Alhukumatul islaamiyyah Pg. 52)

We have witnessed that the companions of the Prophet may Allah be pleased with them – the narrators of the Qur’ân and Hadith – are the greatest of the Ummah, as testified to by Almighty Allah and Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him. Let us now examine the narrators of the Shia religion, those who narrate from their Imams.

Among the main books of the Shia is the book “Usool-ul-Kaafi”. This book holds an extremely high position among them like the position of Sahih Bukhari among the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah. When one must examine the narrations found in this book (as well as other Shia books), he will find that a great portion is narrated on the authority of a person named Zuraraah.

Zuraraah reports from personalities whom the Shi’a consider to be among their twelve Imams viz. Imam Muhammad Baqir may Allah be pleased with him) and Imam Jafar Saadiq may Allah be pleased with him

When Imam Jafar Saadiq may Allah be pleased with him was asked regarding the narrator Zuraraah who narrates from him, he said,

ما أحدث أحد في الإسلام ما أحدث زرارة من البدع عليه لعنة الله

“No person has innovated in Islam the innovations which Zuraraah has innovated. May the curse of Almighty Allah be upon him” (Rijal al Kashshi pg. 149)

On another occasion, Imam Jafar Saadiq may Allah be pleased with him said regarding Zuraraah:

زرارة شر من اليهود والنصارى، ومن قال: إنّ مع الله ثالث ثلاثة

Zuraraah is worse than the Jews, the Christians, and those who say that Allah is but part of the trinity. 

(Rijal al Kashshi pg. 160)

Despite this being the pathetic condition of the Shia narrator, Zuraraah, who formed the basis of a great portion of the Shia religion, and despite their Imams declaring him a fabricator and liar, they still latch onto his narrations in their religion.


Despite claiming to be Muslims, Shi’ism religion has nothing to do with Islam, since their leaders, imams and subsequently Shi’a people are following the wrong teachings which necessitate a nullification of their Islam, fabricated, and lied about Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him and some of his companions.

For more reading:

Catastrophes in the books of Shia

The Raafidis=Shi’a are undoubtedly kuffaar=non-Muslims=Out of the fold of Islam for four reasons

Reasons Shi’a=Raafidis are NOT Muslims, their false belief of the distortion of the Qur’an

Allah Knows Best

Almighty Allah is the highest and most knowledgeable, and the attribution of knowledge to him is the safest.

Right from Almighty Allah and wrong from me and Satan

Prepared by Mohamad Mostafa Nassar- Australia. 

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