Refutation Of The “cape Accord”

𝐑𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 “𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐝”

Mohamad Mostafa Nassar


By Mujlisul Ulama

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem


“What is the matter with them for turning away from the  admonition (of the Qur’aan) as if they are wild donkeys fleeing from a lion?” [Al-Muddath-thir,  Aayaat 49, 50,51]

A cartel of modernists zanaadaqah had abortively attempted to mislead the Muslim community with a scrap paper ‘accord’ which they dubbed ‘The Cape Accord’, but which has culminated in nothing other than discord. It has also exposed the Shiah element lurking in the Muslim community in the guise of Muslims. These are the munaafiqeen who are working from within the Muslim community to undermine Islam.

In this brief treatise we have analyzed every point mentioned in their scrap document which has been rejected by the Ulama and the Muslim community of South Africa. The Shariah with its Qur’aanic terminology and strident form of admonition have been branded ‘hate speech’ by the modernist cartel. They insinuate that the Qur’aan fosters ‘hate speech’. These people flee from the Shariah in the manner described by the Qur’aan Majeed in the  above mentioned Verses.

Describing them, the Qur’aan says that “they are like wild donkeys fleeing from a lion.” When the Shariah is mentioned to them, they regard it as a lion, and they flee pell-mell in disarray and confusion like wild donkeys. That is on account of the kufr lurking within their hearts. That is precisely why Qur’aanic terms such as kuffaar, munaafiqoon, zaalimoon, mushrikoon, etc. are regarded as ‘hate speech’ by the modernist deviates who have lost their Imaan.

Their ‘accord’ paper is an accord of Kufr. Every provision percolates with kufr which they have polished and deceptively adorned with flowery language to deceive and appease the authorities and others who entertain inimical attitudes for Islam and Muslims, The type of deceptive flowery language in which they camouflage their kufr is called Zukhruful Qawl in the Qur’aan. It is shaitaani inspiration about which the Qur’aan Majeed states:

“Thus, have We appointed for every Nabi enemies (who are) human and jinn devils (shayaateen). They whisper to one another (zukhrufal qawl) satanically polished and adorned statements for deceiving.” [Al-An’aam, Aayat 112]

Of course, for the munaafiqeen and zanaadaqah this castigation is also “hate speech”.

The Makkah Accord

The Mushrikeen of Makkah too had attempted to strike a ‘Makkah Accord’ with Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) to prevent him from criticizing their ideology of shirk and their idols. The ‘Makkah Accord’, in the attempt to buy the silence and co-operation of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam), had offered him wealth, women and leadership if only he would agree to the type of co-existence and harmony which the shaitaani cape accord advocates.

Its advocacy is compromise with baatil – baatil which has as its cardinal article of faith that kufr/atheism/denial of the Haqq of Islam, is a basic human right which must be respected. Thus, despite a man professing to be a ‘Muslim’, his basic human right according to the ‘Cape Accord’, is to subscribe to kufr and to propagate it as if it is part of Islam.

The Quraish met to discuss how to deal with the propagation of the Deen of Tauheed by Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). “Let us send the most versed among us in sorcery, soothsaying and poetry to this man who has disunited us, caused discord among us and reviled our religion (with hate-speech).

They sent Utbah Bin Rabee’ah. He came to Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and said: “O Muhammad! Are you better or Abdullah (the father of Rasulullah Sallallahu  alayhi wasallam)?”

Utbah: “Are you better or Abdul Muttalib (the grandfather of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam)?” Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) kept quiet.

Utbah: “If you take them to be better than you, they worshipped the idols which you have reviled (with your hate-speech). And if you think that you are better than them then speak so that we can listen to what you have to say. Verily, Wallah, we have not seen a junior more unfortunate to his people than you. You have disunited us, caused discord among us (with your  hate-speech), reviled our religion (with  your hate-speech) and disgraced us among the Arabs…”

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) asked: “Are you finished?” Utbah: “Yes.”

Prophet Muhammed=Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) then started reciting Surah Haa Meem Sajdah from the beginning till he came to the Aayat:

“If they turn away then say: ‘I warn you lot of a Saa’iqah (Allah’s punishment in the form of a destructive screech) like the Saa’iqah of the Aad and Thamud (which utterly destroyed them).”

Utbah, terrified, put his hand on the mouth of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and implored him to stop.

This episode confirms that the originators of “Accord” stunts were the Mushrikeen. The objective of this initial “Makkah Accord” was to undermine Islam, but it was absolutely rejected by Allah Ta’ala. For confirming this rejection of the “Makkah Accord”, Allah Ta’ala specifically revealed more than a dozen Aayaat of Surah Haa Meem Sajdah.

In another narration it appears that Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) recited till the Sajdah Aayat of this Surah and made Sajdah to practically demonstrate this Message of Tauheed which does not tolerate the slightest vestige of compromise with baatil.

On another occasion renewing their attempts to forge an accord the Mushrikeen said to Abu Taalib: “Verily, Wallah, we cannot tolerate his (Muhammad’s) hate-speech against our forefathers and our gods and him labelling us as morons. Hence you should stop him.”

From this narration it is quite clear that the Munaafiqeen of the “Cape Accord” are following in the footsteps of the Mushrikeen of Makkah. Just as these Mushrikeen had endeavoured to silence Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) from the Haqq by enlisting the aid and support of the most senior chief of his tribe (the government).

In the same manner the Munaafiqeen of this “Cape Accord” are plotting to enlist the support of the government in a bid to silence the Ulama-e-Haqq from proclaiming what Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) had proclaimed more than 14 centuries ago.

When Abu Taalib spoke to Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) about this, Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) responded: “O My Uncle! If they place the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand for me to abandon this Deen, I shall not desist from it.”

This is the Ta’leem of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam); for the Ulama-e-Haqq not to compromise with this satanically-inspired accord in abandonment of the propagation of the Haqq of Islam.

On yet another occasion in pursuit of forging an accord of compromise the Quraish dangled in front of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) the chimera of wealth, women and kingship only if he compromises and abstains from hate-speech against their idols and their religion.

Alternatively, the ingredients of the compromise would be similar to the objectives of the kufr interfaith movement which the “Cape Accord” promotes. This interfaith type compromise with baatil entails acceptance of this kufr movement’s cardinal article of faith, namely, all religions and ideologies are on par.

Thus the “Makkah Accord” required that the Muslims worship the gods of the Mushrikeen for one year and reciprocating this concession the Mushrikeen for one year will worship Allah Ta’ala as Islam requires. Categorically rejecting this Satanism, Allah Ta’ala revealed Surah Kaafiroon. 

In this Surah of the Qur’aan, with great clarity in such speech which the Cape Accord Munaafiqeen term “hate speech” (Kaafiroon), Allah Ta’ala confirmed that there is absolutely no scope for tolerating and compromising with kufr:

“Say (O Muhammad)! O Kaafiroon! I do not worship what you worship and you do not worship Who I worship. I will not worship what you worship and you will not worship Who I worship. For you is your religion and for me is my Deen.”

This Surah unequivocally rejects any form of accord which conflicts in any way with Qur’aanic Tauheed, and this rejection is stated explicitly in the Aayat: “For you is your religion and for me is my Deen.”



The noble Mashaaikh of Islam say that for understanding a venture’s direction, whether Haqq or Baatil, the originators should be examined. If those who initiate an organization are Men of the Sunnah, then the venture will be of the Haqq. On the other hand, if the originators are men of Baatil, then most certainly, the organization will be Baatil.

Those who have put together the scrap paper ‘cape accord’ are a group of non-entities  from the Islamic point of view. The members of this cape accord cartel are all people of baatil – modernists, Shiahs/hidden  Shiahs/Shiah supporters, bid’atis zanaadaqah and anti-Sunnah. There is not a single Islamically creditable person associated with the ‘cape accord’.

Precisely for this reason is their founding statement filled with drivel full of sound and fury signifying bunkum. It is devoid of practical reality, and from the Islamic perspective it is plain garbage. In Qur’aanic language, they are “wild donkeys fleeing from a lion.” They flee from the Qur’aan and Sunnah.

Let us examine the drivel in their statement.


(a) It is mentioned in the ostentatious statement:

“…unwarranted attacks on foremost figures, by individuals and groups within our broader faith community….”


What are these “unwarranted attacks” and who are these “foremost figures”, and who are these “individuals”? The supposed ‘accord’ is initiated with discord by these unwarranted remarks.   The initiators of the scrap accord with their ambiguous remarks and cracks begin their hallucinated accord with discord with these baseless and false comments. It is necessary that they mention with clarity what exactly is the meaning of these ambiguities.

Every criticism by the Ulama-e-Haqq on the baatil beliefs of kufr of the Shiahs, Munaafiqeen and Zanaadaqah is a warranted ‘attack’ intended for the guidance of the Muslim community, and to save the unwary and ignorant from the deceptions of these mudhilleen

They dare not elaborate for fear of their hidden kufr being exposed. The claimed “unwarranted attacks” consist of nothing other than the proclamation and dissemination of the Haqq Aqeedah of Islam as enshrined in the Qur’aan and Sunnah, and as believed by the Ummah since the age of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam).  

For example, stating that those who revile the Sahaabah are kuffaar, and labelling such villains as kuffaar are deemed as “unwarranted attacks” on those who propound and disseminate the kufr.


(b) The statement mentions:

“eradication of extremists”


Who are these “extremists” and what is their extremism? The ambiguity conceals the hidden meaning and agenda of the juhala who disgorge such garbage. They will not explain with clarity because they know that their nifaaq and kufr will be exposed.   These terms are monotonously sung by the deviates and agents of Iblees to deceive stupid audiences who do not have the haziest idea of the meaning of these ambiguities.

In which way do these juhala plot to eradicate the proclaimers of Allah’s Haqq? The plot envisages silencing the Ulama-e-Haqq by the authorities. The endeavour is to convince the authorities that certain Qur’aanic Truths are tantamount to ‘hate speech’, hence the Ulama who state the Haqq should be silenced.


(c) The following contention is indeed laughable for its portrayal of the stupidity and insipidity of the thinking of these modernist juhala:

“AND WHEREAS, such an alliance fosters greater connectivity, increases collaboration, promotes comprehension and enhances contribution to the attainment of the higher objectives of the shariah.”

Full of sound and fury signifying nothing. It is a meaningless statement which may impress only morons. They should elaborate these ambiguities. The collaboration and connectivity are in fact with Shaitaan who has inspired these deviates to plot alliances against the proponents of the Deen – the Deen which was handed to the Sahaabah by Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) –

The Sunnah which  these munaafiqeen and zanaadaqah brand as extremism belonging to some hallucinated ‘dark age’. This is their conception of the Glittering Shariah of Islam. It is a product of some ‘dark age’ in their belief system – their system of kufr.

The chap who drafted the stupid ‘accord’ scrap paper mentions the conundrum of the “higher objectives of the shariah”. He does not have the haziest idea of these objectives of the Shariah. The highest objective of the Shariah is the Ibaadat of Allah Ta’ala for which He has created us.

Stating this objective, the Qur’aan Majeed says:

“I have not created jinn and man except that they worship Me.” Quran

The higher and the only objective of the Shariah is to secure mankind’s everlasting salvation in the Aakhirah, and this is possible only by acceptance of Islam and adoption of the Sunnah. It can never be attained by interfaith accords and such collaboration which compromise and even eradicate the Aqaaid and A’maal of Islam.

Islam, not the corrupt conception of Islam of modernists, is the sole repository of salvation. All other ideologies are baatil and Jahannami, and are not acceptable to Allah Ta’ala. Stating this fact with emphasis, the Qur’aan Majeed states:

“Whoever searches for a deen (accord/religion/ideology) other than Islam, never ever will it be accepted from him.”

Those who seek accords in conflict with Islam and its Shariah are doomed for everlasting perdition in Jahannam. And, this proclamation of Qur’aanic Truth is ‘hate speech’ for those who collaborate with Iblees to forge accords which have no validity in the Shariah.

The objectives of the Shariah do not pertain to worldly prosperity and success although these transitory earthly gains may be acquired in the wake of obedience to Allah Ta’ala via His Shariah and adoption of the Sunnah.

All the ahkaam of the Shariah are designed for the attainment of the success and salvation of the Aakhirah via the Pleasure of Allah Ta’ala. Islam does not have worldly prosperity as an objective. The fellow who spoke about the objectives of the Shariah in all probability is ignorant of the rudiments of Tahaarat and Salaat, hence he shoved the ‘higher objectives of the Shariah’ into the effluvium of a stupid earthly scrap paper fabricated for the appeasement of a shaitaani alliance which has no relationship with the Islam taught to us by the Qur’aan and Sunnah.

Any person who has a proper understanding of the higher objectives of the Shariah will never strike up an alliance nor collaborate with such elements   who are the very antithesis of   the Objectives of Allah’s Shariah. Minus the Sunnah of the Sahaabah there is not the remotest possibility for the attainment of any of the objectives of the Shariah.

This dunya is ‘jeefah’ (carrion), said Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). It is never among the objectives of the Shariah.


(d) The drivel accord mentions some incongruent ‘spirit of the Amman Accord’. This too is a shaitaani accord which has no validity in the Shariah. The life of Muslims is governed by the Sunnah not by some modernist ‘amman accord’ which is also one of the scrap papers signifying drivel.`

Imagining themselves to be the leaders of the global Ummah, the morons of the baatil ‘ammaan accord’, making a mockery of themselves, state in their scrap accord:

“AND WHEREAS, such Amman Accord, constitutes a global and universal principle of persuasive and binding effect upon all Muslim Societies”

These wayward liberals with bloated egos are labouring in a state of intellectual concussion to believe that the global Ummah assigns any importance to their drivel ‘principle’ of which 99% of the Ummah is not even aware.   The only universal principle for the global Ummah is the Shariah as enshrined in the Qur’aan and Sunnah.

Muslims do not accept any other western-tutored principle/accord forged and frauded by the liberal humur about whom the Qur’aan says:  “(They are) like wild donkeys fleeing from a lion”. They flee from the Shariah just as wild donkeys flee from a lion.

With their liberal western-influenced attitude the humur of these stupid paper accords seek to impress their western kuffaar masters who have firmly fitted their brains with the straightjackets of zandaqah and kufr.

That is precisely why these humur incline towards and always propagate western kuffaar values in flagrant conflict with Islam, and that is why Qur’aanic and Hadith terminology is ‘hate speech’ for them. The only spirit which true Muslims understand is the spirit which ensues as an effect of the adoption of the Sunnah.


(e) Satanically disguising their hatred for the Qur’aan, the munaafiqeen, disgorge in their scrap paper:

“AND WHEREAS, we, the representatives of Communities United Against Hate Speech, Division and Discord, in the Republic of South Africa;”

Firstly, the cape accord characters do not represent Muslim communities in South Africa. They are a handful of zanadaqah and munaafiqeen representing themselves. They lack in entirety the support of the Ulama of all persuasions.

Even the   miscreants and mudhilleen of the MJC and the NNB jamiat felt constrained to withdraw their initial veiled and guarded support for the baatil ‘accord’ of the deviates. The distancing from this ‘cape accord’ by even members of bogus ‘uucsa’ and even pro-Shiah Radio Ansar (Ansaarush Shaitaan) should send a clear message to the fabricators of the haraam ‘accord’ of discord – that their plot is doomed for failure.

Their theme of ‘hate speech’ disgorged with insipid monotony only reveals their hatred for the Qur’aan and Sunnah, and exposes their Shiah tendencies. The only so-called ‘hate speech’ which these juhala are able to attribute to the Ulama-e-Haqq is their proclamation of the ahkaam, of the Shariah couched in Qur’aanic terminology.

But cowards are unable to declare their kufr, hence they seek to camouflage their kufr with the designation of ‘hate speech’ which is quite palatable to the authorities of the state whose ears they are dinning with the garbage of their sinister plot against Islam.

While they vociferously trumpet their slogan of ‘hate speech’, they have hitherto not elaborated on the supposed ‘hate’ content of the speech they have in mind. They dare not present any elucidation of their concept of ‘hate speech’, for they know that it will expose their hidden kufr.

There is not a single statement made by the Ulama which comes within the purview of ‘hate speech’ as understood by the kuffaar authorities. But for these cape accord munaafiqeen, Qur’aanic terminology which is anathema for the Shiahs constitutes ‘hate speech’.

They lack intelligence because Allah Ta’ala has cast RIJS (filth) on their brains. In a statement which will be typical ‘hate speech’ for the munaafiqeen, the Qur’aan states:

“He (Allah) casts RIJS on those who lack intelligence.” [Yoonus. Aayat 100]

“Those in whose hearts is Rijs – their rijs is compounded with (more) rijs, and they will die whilst they are kaafiroon.” [At-Taubah, Aayat 125]

This is the type of ‘hate speech’ – Qur’aanic speech – with which the Ulama castigate those who profess to be Muslims but   conspire to undermine and destroy Islam for promoting Shi’ism in the guise of Islam.

The pollution which has deranged the intelligence of those who promote hatred for the Sahaabah is described in the Qur’aan as RIJS (filth) which for the ilk of the cape accord characters is ‘hate speech’ to be banned. Allah Ta’ala says in this regard:

“(O Muhammad!) Say: ‘Verily RIJS has been cast on you (munaafiqeen and haters of the Sahaabah) from your Rabb. What! Do you dispute  with me…..?” [Al-A’raaf, Aayat 71]


(f) In their endeavour to obfuscate the issue of ‘hate speech and hatred’, the juhala of the shaitaani cape accord aver in their scrap paper:

“RECOGNISING the Prophetic Command: “The Believer is never one who taunts, curses; nor is indecent nor abusive.” [Tirmidhi, Bayhaqi]  

In a nut-shell, the Qur’aanic response which is ‘hate speech’ for these munaafiqeen is: “Behold! The LA’NAT (CURSE) of Allah is on the zaalimeen.”   [Hood, Aayat 18]

In the context of the Qur’aan Majeed, ‘zaalimeen’ refer to the kuffaar. According to the Qur’aan there is no greater oppression than kufr, hence the kuffaar are described with the term, ‘zaalimeen’ (oppressors). Curses and taunts are Qur’aanically justified when the need for such invocation develops.

This Hadith has been torn from its context to defend those evil ones who curse, taunt and acquit themselves indecently. Who are the targets of these people for their curses, taunts and abuse?

The targets of vilification and abuse are Hadhrat Abu Bakr, Hadhrat Umar, Hadhrat Uthmaan, Hadhrat Aishah and almost 124,000 Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu  anhum). And, those who disgorge the curses, taunts, abuse and the worst hate speech against the most illustrious and noblest of mankind are the Shiahs. Their books of theology loudly testify to this villainy.

Yet, the shayaateen of the cape accord deem it appropriate to present the Hadith against those who are defending the Sahaabah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Their vindication of Sahaabah-Haters speaks volumes for their kufr and nifaaq.

And, why would people target the Sahaabah for vilification? Answering this question, Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said that they do so because “they hate me”. The cape accord deviates should understand that this Hadith of Nabi-e-Kareem (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) places the seal on their nifaaq, for they are defending those who hate and vilify the Sahaabah, and they seek kuffaar aid to silence Muslims from proclaiming the Haqq. But they must fail. Their end will be miserable. Allah Ta’ala will apprehend them with His whip.

“We shall let them taste the severe punishment because of the kufr they perpetrated.” [Yoonus, Aayat 70]


(g) Piping the kufr theme of the kuffaar interfaith movement, the juhala of the cape accord say in their scrap paper:

“ACKNOWLEDGING that we live in a world of religious pluralism;”

This acknowledgement further testifies to their nifaaq and kufr. The meaning of acknowledgement in the context of this argument is palpable acceptance of other religions as ideologies of truth and repositories of salvation. But this is a violent rejection of Tauheed – Qur’aanic Tauheed.

According to Allah Ta’ala the worse scum in creation are those who reject Tauheed – Qur’aanic Tauheed. In the following Aayat which is ‘hate speech’ for the humur mustanfirah of the shaitaani cape accord of discord, Allah Ta’ala states:

“Verily, the worst of animals by Allah are the (spiritually) deaf and dumb, those who have no Aql (they lack intelligence).” [Al-Anfaal, Aayat 11]

Deaf, dumb, the worst of animals, bereft of intelligence, the enemies of Allah, the kaafiroon, jaahiloon, zaalimoon, faasiqoon, etc., etc. are all Qur’aanic terminologies which constitute ‘hate speech’ for the munaafiqoon of the cape discord. They should state with clarity which are the terms of ‘hate’ the Ulama are using and to whom are they directing these Qur’aanic epithets employed by Allah Ta’ala to describe the kuffaar.

Every moron on earth is aware of the existence of a plethora of religions and other ideologies of atheism. What is the need for having incorporated this stupid acknowledgment into a scrap paper which has greater value and significance than the Qur’aan for these juhala and mudhilleen from whose faces drip nifaaq?

While Islam accepts the existence of a multitude of religions, it came to abolish religious pluralism. Religious pluralism is the recipe for everlasting perdition in Jahannam. Stating this Divine declaration, the Qur’aan Majeed emphasizes:

“Whoever searches for a deen (religion) other than Islam, never ever shall it be accepted from him, and he will be among the losers in the Hereafter.” [Aal-e-Imraan, Aayat 75]

“Verily, Allah is not pleased with people who are faasiqoon (kaafiroon/munaadiqoon).” [At-Taubah, Aayat 96]

These Aayaat and many other Qur’aanic verses emphatically reject acknowledgement of religious pluralism. This is a kufr postulate of the kufr interfaith movement with which all these munaafiqeen have an accord in flagrant denial of the Qur’aan. Further rejecting ‘religious pluralism’ and the interfaith movement, the Qur’aan states:

“This, MY PATH is Straight. Therefore follow it, and do not follow different ways (accords and ideologies), for then it will split you (into satanic accords and sects) and deviate you from His Path. This is what He (Allah) has commanded you (to acknowledge and submit to) so that you may gain taqwa.” [Al-An’aam, Aayat 153]

For Muslims there is no religion other than Islam. There can be no compromise with beliefs which are in conflict with Islam. But to interpret our Islamic attitude to mean ‘hatred’ and ‘hate speech’ is the effect of the evil ideology of the accord characters who profess to be Muslims when in reality they are munaafiqeen.

The hatred Muslims are commanded by Allah Ta’ala to have for kufr does not breed violence. Its effect is only dissociation and to refrain from fraternizing with kuffaar whom the Qur’aan labels as the enemies of Allah because of their kufr.   Muslims are prohibited from fraternizing and praying for those who reject the Tauheed of Allah Ta’ala. The following Aayat which according to the munaafiqeen will undoubtedly be ‘hate speech’ and the advocate of hatred and violence, states:

“It is not befitting for the Nabi and the Believers to seek forgiveness for the Mushrikeen even if they are close relatives after it has been clarified that they are the companions of the Fire (of Hell).” [At-Taubah, Aayat 113]

“When it was made clear to him (Ibraaheem) that his father (because of kufr) was the enemy of Allah, he (Ibraaheem) dissociated himself from him.” [At-Taubah, Aayat 114]

The munaafiqeen of the scrap cape town accord should now state with clarity if this aayat and innumerable other Qur’aanic verses are ‘hate speech’ and if this is advocacy of hostility and violence by the Qur’aan.

Numerous episodes in the life of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and the Sahaabah voluminously and vociferously testify to the fact that the Qur’aan’s prohibition of fraternizing and socializing with the kuffaar does not promote hatred for them. We shall mention just two of these numerous incidents to confirm this fact.

Almost every intelligent Muslim is aware of the sternness of Ameerul Mu’mineen Umar Bin Khattaab (Radhiyallahu anhu) who is known as Saahib-Durra (the Man with the Whip). On one of his supervisory excursions of Madinah he found an old and blind Yahudi begging. Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu) asked him why he was begging. Responding, the Yahudi said: “Destitution and payment of the jizyah tax.”

Hadhrat Umar, gently taking hold of the Yahudi, led him to the Baitul Maal. After presenting him with a quantity of provisions, Hadhrat Umar ordered the public treasurer of the Baitul Maal to exempt this Yahudi and all other destitute non-Muslims from the jizyah tax, and he furthermore commented something to the effect that it is unfair for us Muslims to take jizyah tax from the old and destitute.

The second episode pertains to Sultan Salaahuddeen (Rahmatullahi alayh). In the midst of a crucial battle a Muslim soldier on horseback succeeded in dropping King Richard of England from his mount. The king continued the combat from the ground with the Muslim soldier on horseback.

Sultan Salaahuddeen was viewing the scene from a distance and he commented: “It is unfair for such a brave fighter to be at such odds.” Overcome emotionally with chivalry, Sultan Salaahuddeen promptly sent his own horse to the king.

King Richard mounted the horse and continued the fight. An exaggerated emotion of fairness and chivalry had overwhelmed the intellect of Sultan Salaahuddeen (Rahmatullahi alayh) at that moment, hence he sent his horse to the king and in so doing the pious sultan committed a fatal blunder and a disservice to Islam and the Mujaahideen on the battlefield because the consequence of this kind.

And chivalrous act of the Sultan was the death and martyrdom of numerous Muslim soldiers and defeat for the Muslim Army. In fact, the Sultan for his kind and chivalrous act was worthy of being court-martialled.

There are numerous such acts of kindness and affection displayed by Muslims for non-Muslims since the time of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) throughout the  history of Islam.

It were the Muslims who gave the Jews refuge during the dark Middle Ages when the Christian Church had invented equipment to torture and rip apart the bodies of Muslims and Jews. The Christian Spanish Inquisition is notorious for such brutality condoned and promoted as acts  of worship by the Christian  Church.

Muslims in North Africa and the sultan of the Ottoman Empire gave the Jews safe haven. All this kindness and affection to non-Muslims by Muslims was despite the Qur’aanic prohibition of socializing and fraternizing with the kuffaar. The objective of this prohibition is to save Muslims from being assimilated into kuffaar lifestyles as is the case today, and thereby destroying their salvation in the Hereafter.

The bigotry of these accord chaps dictates to them to infringe on the freedom of religion and freedom of expression which the constitution of the country grants all people. To achieve their diabolical objective they are at pains to hoodwink the authorities with their claim of ‘hate speech’. But hitherto, they have not yet expounded what exactly the terms of ‘hate’ are of which they accuse the Ulama.

Why have even the liberals and others who are in diametric opposition to the Ulama-e-Haqq withdrawn from this false accord which has produced nothing but discord? What has constrained them to withdraw?

The real hate speech of the Shiahs which the cape accord supports has compelled even the liberals and modernists to disembark from the diabolical Cape Discord. Islam’s rejection of religious pluralism is not based on hatred nor is it hate speech as the deviates of the ill-fated cape accord contend.


(h) Stating a superfluity, the accord gang says:

“APPRECIATING that South Africa is a state model of multi-culturalism and diversity of faiths;”

It is their penchant for nonsense which constrained them to include drivel in their scrap accord paper. Of what benefit does this statement serve? No sane person has ever claimed that there is no diversity of faiths and cultures in South Africa. Just what is their stupid or ulterior point in making this redundant statement?


(i) Uttering kufr, the proponents of the scrap accord say:

“NOTING that the right to follow one’s faith or conscience is among the basic human rights that underpins our South African Constitution;”  

This idea is palpably to impress the authorities. If these fellows of the scrap accord had true Imaan, never would they have uttered this statement of kufr. The constitution of the country is secular and has no relationship with The Almighty Creator, hence such provisions of kufr are understandable for a secular state. However, from the Islamic perspective, if the faith is not Islam, adopting it is not a basic human right as the cranks contend.

Allah Ta’ala has ordained Islam for every human being. Thus, the Hadith states very clearly that every child is born on FITRAH, i.e. Islam which is the intrinsic, natural demand of the Rooh (Soul). Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) explicitly mentioned that the parents corrupt this Fitrah. The parents corrupt this Allah-bestowed Fitrah with baatil religions and ideologies. 

The basic human right is Tauheed – Islamic Tauheed – which Allah Ta’ala has embedded in every Soul. The Souls of all mankind had testified to Tauheed in the celestial realm. Mentioning this Pledge given by all Souls, the Qur’aan refers to that occasion when Allah Ta’ala had assembled all the Souls of entire mankind and asked them: “Am I not your Rabb?” In unison, the vast multitude of Souls responded: “Yes (O, our Rabb!)”.

This Pledge taken from the Souls in the celestial realm long long prior to the creation of our physical bodies is revived here on earth by Muslims when they recite the Athaan and Iqaamat in the ears of the newborn babe on the very first day after its birth, as soon as it has been cleansed.

The baby is not as ignorant as these accord and discord munaafiqeen. The Athaan and Iqaamat refresh the memory of the baby, reminding it of the Pledge. The baby possesses greater intelligence than munaafiqeen.

Therefore, Allah Ta’ala has commanded the parents to remind their newborn baby of this basic human right of Tauheed. This Pledge of Tauheed and Imaan is the basic human right. Kufr is never a basic human right. It is an artificial ‘right’   fabricated by the kuffaar and adopted by the munaafiqeen who masquerade as Muslims.

Kufr is not a ‘basic human right’ as contended by the cape accord munaafiqeen. Yes, it is aconstitutional right. Man-made constitutions bestow this right. In a true Islamic governed region by the Shariah, the kuffaar citizens will enjoy a ‘constitutional’ right, not a basic human right, to practise their kufr religion.

In South Africa it is our constitutional right to practise our religion. For this right we firstly express our profoundest Shukr to Allah Ta’ala for granting us this freedom. While we are extremely appreciative of this constitutional right, the Muslim community should not abuse it in the manner they are currently doing.

The objective for guiding the authorities to grant us the right to practise the Deen is to enable us to adhere to the Sunnah and to make maximum use of this right to submit to Allah’s Shariah.

But the reality is that the Muslim community, the vast majority, has thrown the Deen behind their backs. Instead of fulfilling Shukr to Allah Ta’ala for this favour, Muslims have abandoned the Sunnah and have adopted the life style of the western kuffaar in every sphere of life.

The lamentable consequence of this treachery is that Allah Ta’ala will inspire the kuffaar authorities to revoke this constitutional right. Then we shall be denied even our basic human right as has happened in many countries. The freedom of religion and expression currently enjoyed by Muslims will be snatched away by Allah Azza Wa Jal as a punishment for our treachery.

Every atom and iota are in Allah’s control. Not a leaf drops from a tree, but it is with His intervention and command. It is of the Sunnah of Allah Azza Wa Jal to snatch away rights and impose oppression on a treacherous community. The Muslim community today is guilty of treason against Allah Ta’ala. The community is awash with fussaaq, fujjaar, zanaadaqah and munafiqeen. Such a community will not escape Divine Chastisement. Kufr is never a basic human right.


(j) “AFFIRMING that such right resonates with the Maqasid of the Shariah in promoting the welfare and goodness of the human being;”  

Those who subscribe to this dastardly blasphemous idea of kufr can never be Muslims.

They are unadulterated munaafiqeen and kuffaar. This belief is kufr which violently militates against the Maqaasid of the Shariah. The juhala who have frauded this kufr drivel do not have the haziest idea of the meaning of the Maqaasid of the Shariah.

They have stupidly utilized this terminology to convey Shar’i expertise whilst they are dwelling and drowning in a cesspool of jahaalat and kufr which percolates from every  aperture of their bodies.

Islam came to eradicate every vestige of kufr and shirk. But here in this garbage accord of discord are characters professing to be Muslims whilst promoting blatant kufr. Affirmation of kufr being a basic human right is blatant kufr which expels such a proponent from the fold of Islam.

The claim that even kufr which the shayaateen are hallucinating as a ‘basic human right’, achieves the objective of the welfare and goodness of human beings is a blatant denial of the entire Qur’aan.

These miserable agents of Iblees are blatantly denying every command of Allah Ta’ala pertaining to the eradication of kufr for which all the battle campaigns of the Sahaabah were waged and for which the Qur’aan was revealed, and for which Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was raised as the Final Nabi of Allah Ta’ala.

This villainous idea of brazen kufr is the very antithesis of Qur’aanic Tauheed. It is the effect of shaitaani insanity to aver that this vile idea of  kufr ‘resonates with the Maqaasid of the Shariah’. On the contrary, it resonates with the maqaasid of shaitaaniyat. It is pure Satanism urinated into their brains by Iblees-in-Chief.

This convoluted kufr, satanic conception which will doom its proponents to everlasting perdition in Hell-Fire resonates and reverberates with the objectives (maqaasid) for which Allah Azza Wa Jal has created Shaitaan.

These fellows should apprize themselves of the rudiments of Istinja before venturing in a domain which is beyond their intellectual grasp. They are bereft of any understanding pertaining to Maqaasid of the Shariah. They have only advertised their hidden state of kufr with this corrupt satanic belief.

What human welfare and m goodness can there be in a belief which culminates in man’s ruin and destruction everlasting chastisement in Jahannam? The entire theme of the Qur’aan is anti-kufr.

Nothing is as evil as kufr and shirk for which there is no forgiveness if the mushrik perishes prior to having made Taubah. Yet the juhala and munaafiqeen of the haraam Cape Discord affirm goodness for it. Their status in terms of the Shariah is worse than that of the mushrikeen idol-worshippers.


(k) “ASSESSING the critical importance of social stability and peace for the promotion and material welfare of South African Civic Society;”  

This is simply another drivel disgorgement to impress the authorities. It is a drivel utterance devoid of significance and valid meaning. It is calculated to charm and impress with figments of hallucination.

Social stability and the like are the obligations of the government. The breakdown of law and order, the anarchy and the shocking crime rate affirm the failure of the authorities in the domain of social stability and the welfare of society.

But a stupid so-called accord by a handful of deviates cannot in any way whatsoever contribute towards the attainment of social stability in the country. The very sinister motive of the haraam Shiah accord is a plot for silencing the Ulama of Islam. It is unable to contribute even an iota towards the stability of society.

The objective of this shaitaani accord of discord is nothing other than to influence and dupe the authorities for achieving the pernicious aim of silencing the Ulama-e-Haqq to enable the Shiahs to propagate their baatil religion without any hindrance of the Haqq.


(l) “DECLARING our firm resolve to dissuade and/or engage and/or take appropriate legal action within the framework of the South African Constitution and the Chapter 9 Provisions against any individual or group who abuses the higher ethical principles of Islam as the basis for a deliberate and unwarranted attack on the dignity of a fellow South African citizen or group or entity with malicious intent, publicity and incitement to harm;”

The formulation of drivel resolutions such as the aforementioned claptrap is an empty threat. It is a toothless mongrel dog. This stupidity has been designed by a stupid conglomerate of munaafiqeen to intimidate the Ulama-e-Haqq in a bid to scare them into silence and abstention from Amr Bil Ma’roof Nahy Anil Munkar.

If they had the slightest idea of the meaning of “the higher ethical principles of Islam”, they would not have acquitted themselves with the puerility which they have displayed in their scrap accord paper.

They would have been recluses from whom Tawaadhu’, Sidq, Ibaadat and Taa-at would have exuded. They would not have acquitted themselves with the arrogance they have displayed in their silly scrap accord paper nor would they have been western bootlickers.

Those whose lives were conducted in terms of the higher ethical principles of Islam were the Sahaabah and the Auliya. Men who lap up western concepts of kufr and who emulate the lifestyles of the western kuffaar and who think with brains fitted and strapped with the straitjackets of western indoctrination can never even dream of the meaning of the higher ethical principles of Islam. They disgorge trash, for it is trash that they think.

There is adequate provision in the secular law for instituting haraam legal action against the Ulama if the human-devils (Shayaateenul Ins) are able to establish valid grounds for such haraam action in terms of the laws of the kuffaar. A genuine Muslim does not display this type of sewerage mentality which is inherited from the western masters whom these munaafiqeen bootlick.

A Muslim whose life is conducted in terms of the higher ethical principles of Islam believes and consciously feels in his heart that he is the most contemptible creature of Allah Ta’ala, more contemptible than even a dog.

This is the teaching of the higher ethical principles of Islam. But those who are the victims of western kufr indoctrination to which they were subjected to at the kuffaar universities over brim with pride and arrogance.

They are unable to bear criticism, especially if it emanates from the Qur’aan and Sunnah, hence they seek the aid of kuffaar courts. They fail to understand that salvation also requires the belief of being more despicable than even the lowly animals.

And, this is the teaching of the higher ethical principles of Islam of which the western bootlickers do not have the haziest idea. The following anecdote will illustrate what is meant by the higher ethical principles of Islam.

One day while crossing a narrow bridge, a dog approached from the other side. To avoid brushing against the dog, Baayazid pulled his cloak towards himself. The dog spoke: “Why did you do this? If I am dry, there is no harm in your garment touching me. If I am moist, a little water can cleanse your cloak. But, even the seven oceans cannot purify you of your pride.”

Baayazid said: “You have spoken the truth. While there is zaahiri (external) impurity in you, there is baatini (spiritual) impurity in me. Come live with me so that I may be purified.”

The dog: “We cannot live together. You are the Maqbool (accepted) and honoured) leader of mankind while I am mardood (accursed and buffered). Secondly, I do not hoard a bone for the next day while you hoard food for tomorrow.”

Baaayazid lamented: “Alas! When I am not deserving of the company of even a dog, how can I gain Allah’s Proximity?”

Any sincere Muslim who has been tricked into joining the haraam shaitaani accord, after being apprized of this anecdote will, Insha-Allah, gain a valid understanding of the higher ethical principles of Islam, and he will also realize the Imaani danger in which he has become involved with the miserable accord crowd of munaafiqeen.

There are innumerable similar anecdotes of the Auliya who were the highest paragons of Islamic virtue, moral character and ethics – of Akhlaaq-e-Hameedah of which munaafiqeen lack the ability of even hallucinating.


(m) “DO HEREBY, by our signatures hereunder…SOLEMNLY AFFIRM the spirit of the Amman Message and strive to uphold the dignity of Muslims and the positive image of Islam and call upon all South African Muslims to protect, promote and advance this image as commanded by our Prophet Muhammed (Upon Whom Be Peace).”

The Amman message is another specimen of a drivel message. The fact that they have dubbed their ideas the ‘amman accord’ displays their lack of Islamic understanding. Despite the motley of supposedly religious elements at this so-called amman accord professing to be religious personnel they were too stupid to understand that for the Ummah there is only one Accord, and that is the Qur’aan and Sunnah.

These miserable westernized characters searched all over the   show for guidance but could find no direction in the Qur’aan and Sunnah, hence they felt constrained to fabricate and fraud a puerile document which would appease the tastes of the western kuffaar whose boots they are ever ready to lick.

Lapping up the vomit of western concepts and ideas, these miscreants forge ‘accords’ of kufr couched in deceptive flowery language termed in the Qur’aan as zukhruful qawl, i.e. satanically adorned speech whispered into convoluted brains by shaitaan.

The only spirit Muslims have to incumbently infuse in themselves is the spirit of the Qur’aan and Sunnah, and this spirit has been extinguished by the Ummah in the wake of the insane emulation of the lifestyle of the West. True Muslims have no affinity and absolutely no desire for a spirit which is a waste product of some kufr ideology such as the amman accord and of the even more ludicrous cape accord.

The positive image of Islam is portrayed only when Muslims adhere to the Qur’aan and Sunnah as did the Salafus Saaliheen. Only these illustrious personalities had displayed the positive image of Islam. The positive image can never be expected to be portrayed by munaafiqeen and Shiah supporters or by western bootlickers and by Muslims who emulate the western way of life.

The positive image of Islam is displayed only when all departments of the Deen are implemented in practical life in conformity with the precepts of the Shariah.

Furthermore, the positive image of Islam is not displayed by a desire to impress others. When Muslims submit fully and wholeheartedly to the Shariah and the Sunnah in all aspects of life, then Allah Ta’ala displays the wonderful image of Islam on the adherents of Islam. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Allah elevates the one who adopts humility for the sake of Allah.”  

The Mu’min does not adopt humility or the attributes of moral excellence for gaining elevation or for impressing others. He is completely oblivious of such objectives. His only intention is the attainment of Allah’s Pleasure. When he succeeds in the rectification of his niyyat and his focus is on only Allah Ta’ala, then he is elevated by Allah Ta’ala,  and then he displays the positive image of Islam which guides people towards the destination of the Aakhirat.

The objective of this fleeting life on earth is success and salvation in the Aakhirat, not worldly and material prosperity and perfection. This conception of Islam is alien to the western bootlickers who formulated the scrap cape accord designed for only discord.

The call by these votaries of the haraam accord is rejected by the Ummah. Only Shiahs, Shiah supporters and western bootlickers will be receptive to the haraam drivel forged into the scrap paper.

But the Ummah has no inclination towards a piece of garbage which has been cunningly but stupidly designed to undermine Islam and to promote Shi’ism with the plot of passing off Shi’ism as Islam. The Ummah rejects the haraam accord in entirety.


(n) “EARNESTLY APPEAL to our communities to be tolerant of the differences of opinion between Muslims and not to escalate intra-faith hostilities between Sufi/Salafi, Sunni/Shi’a, Hanafi/Shaf’i, Barelwi/Deobandi, and Liberal/Conservative schools of thought… “  

What is their conception of toleration? As far as Muslim are concerned there is no tolerance for kufr. This ‘intolerance’ does not promote hate or violence in any manner whatsoever. Its demand is to dissociate from those who promote kufr and deny Tauheed.

It precludes us from becoming the bosom friends of kuffaar without advocating hatred for them. And, how is it possible for Islam to promote hatred when the focus of Tabligh and Da’wat is the kuffaar?

Muslims have lived for centuries in South Africa alongside the kuffaar without the slightest perpetration of violence or hatred. Although we adhere to our Deen, never can it be shown that Muslims have ever advocated hatred and violence.

Tolerance for the munaafiqeen of the baatil cape accord is to abandon the proclamation of the Truth. Tolerance for them means that Muslims, especially the Ulama, should refrain from informing Muslim of the kufr which the Shiahs and other modernists are cunningly disseminating among the unwary and ignorant Muslims. Tolerance for these modernist juhala is to maintain silence when the Sahaabah are insulted or when Shi’ism is propagated as Islam.  

For the cartel of deviates tolerance is to accept the kufr differences of false religions and ideologies, all the kufr, and to refrain from stating the Haqq which the Qur’aan declares regarding kufr. Tolerance in their understanding means that we all should clamber aboard the kufr interfaith wagon and submit to the kufr articles of faith of this shaitaani ideology.

The averment of ‘intra-faith hostilities’ is a filthy canard. Proclaiming the Truth does not initiate hostility. However, the bigoted modernists and munaafiqeen are the criminals who display lack of tolerance. Since they refuse to listen to the Truth of the Qur’aan which is unpalatable to the Shiahs and other sinister cranks and crooks lurking in the Muslim community, they seek to hoodwink the authorities with their falsehood of hostilities.

There is no Hanafi-Shaafi’ hostility despite the differences. The differences of the Math-habs are honourably accepted. There never ever was any Hanafi-Shaafi’ hostility in South Africa, and to the best of our knowledge elsewhere in the world. Hanafis and Shaafi’s perform Salaat together.

The Imaam of the one Math-hab leads the followers of the other Math-hab. The attempt to trade the idea of Hanafi-Shaafi’ hostility in South Africa, is a despicable LIE. We challenge these agents of Shaitaan to produce just one anti-Shaafi’ statement issued by a Hanafi Aalim or vice versa.

On the contrary, we have always resolutely propagated that the followers of a Math-hab should zealously adhere to their Math-hab and not become freelancers and slaves of desire as are the modernists who recklessly and ignorantly abandon the Math-hab. The attempt to create the impression of Hanafi-Shaafi’ hostility conspicuously displays the falsity and dishonesty of the accord cartel of deviant modernists.

There is also no Sufi-Salafi hostility in South Africa. These modernist liars are simply compounding their lies. Strident  academic debate is not hostility nor hatred. The debate pertains to academic and doctrinal issues. The parties in the dispute tender their respective arguments. But this is not hostility as the liars of the accord seek to convey.

Salafis, Hanafis and Shaafis perform Salaat in the same Musaajid all over the world. There has never been physical hostility in South Africa between the followers of the Math-habs and Salafis as is falsely alleged by the liars of the cape accord. Let them produce their evidence for all their despicable canards.

In fact there is no Muslim-Shiah hostility in the meaning which the modernist juhala munaafiqeen are portraying. The debate pertains to the realm of Amr Bil Ma’roof, and the strident method of acquittal of the Ulama is not hostility. These deviates should elaborate and explain exactly their concept of hostility and how and when did the Ulama ever incite violence.

Hostility emanates from the modernists who label themselves as the ‘liberal school’ in opposition to what they term the ‘conservative school’. There is no liberal and no conservative school of thought in Islam. There is only one Islam – the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam).

Any precept, belief or practice which is in conflict with the Sunnah is not of Islam. There is no room for a liberal school of thought in Islam. Islam is the one and only Islam about which the Qur’aan declares:

“This Day have I (Allah) perfected your Deen for you, and completed for you My Favour, and chosen Islam for you as your Deen.”

The Deen of Islam was perfected more than 14 centuries  ago. The Qur’aan confirms this irrefutable reality. Precepts and opinions which are the products of liberal opinion are kufr. Liberalism is the teaching of the western kuffaar who are the tutors of the deviant liberals who were born in Muslim homes but who abandoned Islam as a consequence of western indoctrination.

Proclaiming the modernist deviates such as the cape discord zanaadaqah and munaafiqeen is not an incitement to violence. It is the presentation of the Truth in the manner in which the Qur’aan addresses such issues. The manner is Qur’aanic and the terminology is Qur’aanic.

It is impossible for the Ulama to resort to LIES by pretending that kuffaar, murtaddeen and munaafiqeen are above board when the Qur’aan categorically proclaims them as the inmates of Jahannam. We cannot socialize and fraternize with those whom Allah Ta’ala regards as His enemies.

This fact is proclaimed with clarity for the benefit of the zanaadaqah – the modernist deviates and liberals – to induce them to reflect and save themselves from everlasting damnation in Jahannam with their kufr. Their claims regarding hostility are absolutely baseless.

Incidents such as the violence at the Shiah temple in Verulam and the Musjid in Cape Town have no relationship with the Amr Bil Ma’roof of the Ulama.


(o) “ACKNOWLEDGE that we can agree to disagree without disrespect to each other.”  

It is not possible for the Mu’mineen to agree with kufr. This type of agreement is a kufr principle of the western kuffaar. It is not an Islamic principle. Agreement on baatil is haraam. It is incumbent for the Ulama to proclaim the Haqq regardless of its unpalatibility, and no matter how undigrable it may sound. The Qur’aan Majeed states:

“And, the Haqq has arrived and falsehood has perished, for falsehood (by its very nature) must perish.”  

“We strike the Haqq against baatil. Then it smashes out its brains.”

Those bereft of Imaan can find agreement with the variety of forms of kufr, for all breeds of kufr is reality one breed. Al-kufru millatun waahidatun. All persuasions of kufr are in an alliance against Islam. That is why the U.S.A. has succeeded in imposing the cult of Islamophobia on almost the entire kuffaar nations of the world whether they are African, Asian, Arab or European. For all of them the profile of a terrorist is a true Muslim who dresses in Sunnah attire, has a beard, performs Salaat and proclaims the Haqq.

And, the munaafiqeen who profess to be Muslims have also joined this league of Shaitaan. Despite overtly reciting the Kalimah and performing mock acts of worship, they cherish an inveterate hatred for the Sunnah and the adherents of the Sunnah. But Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has informed us of these times. He said:

“Then there shall dawn an age when holding on to the Deen will be like holding onto a glowing ember (a red hot coal).”  

Furthermore, for the adherents of the Sunnah, Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) announced Glad Tidings from Allah Ta’ala:

“Islam began ghareeb (forlorn and as a stranger). Soon will it return to that state of forlornness. Therefore, Glad Tidings for the Ghuraba (those who practise the Deen when the entire world has turned against them).”


(p) “Communities United Against Hate Speech and Discord.”  

This is the very initial, opening statement of the cape town haraam, bogus accord of discord. The handful of misguided modernist Shiahs or Shiah supporters had made a dishonest attempt to trade the idea that Muslim communities all over the country are in support of this haraam accord. However, they were soon divested of their hallucinatory ‘importance’. They soon discovered that Muslim communities and organizations, far from supporting their hate programme, were opposed to this baatil so-called accord.

There is no ‘hate speech’ against which Muslims are required to unite. Only deviates, munaafiqeen and modernist zanaadaqah require to unite against the Qur’aan and Sunnah. We call on this company of mudhilleen and munaafiqeen to elaborate on their false claim of ‘hate speech’.

Since they are embroiled in stirring up hatred with their ‘hate speech’ slander it devolves on them religiously, morally and legally to expound their slander and to pinpoint exactly which are the terms of ‘hate speech’ against which they are seeking a stupid accord. We await their elucidation.

Currently they wander aimlessly in riddles designed to hoodwink and deceive. They will not be inclined to elaborate for fear of their hatred for the Qur’aan being exposed.

Their opening statement confirms that the only motive for the baseless ‘accord’ attempt was to gain support against the Ulama, and that too, a small group of Ulama-e-Haqq who is holding aloft the Banner of Haqq in the ocean of baatil, fisq, fujoor, bid’ah and kufr.

There never was the intention of engaging honourably and with sincerity with Muslims. Therefore the deviant zindeeq cartel of modernists did not even attempt to engage liberals in the Muslim community such as the NNB jamiat, bogus uucsa, Darush Shaitaan and similar other ‘Dumb Devils’.

It is of imperative importance to inform the Muslim community that we are dealing with characters who are not Muslims. Despite professing to be Muslim, they are munaafiqeen. For them is their religion and for us is our Deen. And this is Qur’aanic Speech and Qur’aanic Command which will obviously be ‘hate speech’ for the shayaateenul ins.

From the Islamic Perspective the consequence of embracing the “Cape Accord” consisting of diabolical characters is spiritual haemorrhage causing spiritual, moral and intellectual concussion culminating in eternal perdition and doom in the Hereafter.

The platitude of harmony and co-existence piped by these diabolical characters with insipid monotony is kufr because the type of harmony and co-existence which they preach is among the fundamental articles of kufr of the kufr interfaith movement.

KUFR is the worst form of ZULM (OPPRESSION) as mentioned in the Qur’aan Kareem:

“Verily Shirk (Kufr) is Colossal Zulm”.

Allah knows Best.