Prophet Used To Forgive The Quraysh Enemies While In Madinah

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Mohamad Mostafa Nassar


Having provided ample of proof showing that theย Quraysh were the ones who started hostilities against Muslimsย in Medina 1400 years ago. Let us note the following Hadith that relates, that while the pagans were verbally and physically hostile to the Muslims in Medina, the Muslims were commanded by God Almighty to remain patient and forgive.

Sahih al-Bukhari:

โ€œAllahโ€™s Messenger rode a donkey, equipped with a thick cloth-covering made in Fadak and was riding behind him. He was going to pay visit to Sa`d bin Ubada in Banu Al-Harith bin Al-Khazraj; and this incident happened before the battle of Badr. The Prophet passed by a gathering in which `Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul was present, and that was before `Abdullah bin Ubai embraced Islam.

Behold in that gathering there were people of different religions: there were Muslims, idol-worshippers and Jews, and in that gathering `Abdullah bin Rawaha was also present. When a cloud of dust raised by the donkey reached that gathering, `Abdullah bin Ubai covered his nose with his garment and then said, โ€œDo not cover us with dust.โ€

Then Allahโ€™s Messenger greeted them and stopped and dismounted and invited them to Allah (i.e. to embrace Islam) and recited to them the Holy Qurโ€™an. On that, `Abdullah bin Ubai bin Saluil said, โ€œO man! There is nothing better than that what you say. If it is the truth, then do not trouble us with it in our gatherings. Return to your mount (or residence) and if somebody comes to you, relate (your tales) to him.โ€ On that `Abdullah bin Rawaha said,

โ€œYes, O Allahโ€™s Apostle! Bring it (i.e. what you want to say) to us in our gathering, for we love that.โ€ So the Muslims, the pagans and the Jews started abusing one another till they were on the point of fighting with one another.

The Prophet kept on quietening them till they became quiet, whereupon the Prophet rode his animal (mount) and proceeded till he entered upon Saโ€™d bin Ubada. The Prophet said to Sa`d, โ€œDid you not hear what โ€˜Abu Hub-b said?โ€ He meant `Abdullah bin Ubai.

โ€œHe said so-and so.โ€ On that Sa`d bin Ubada said, โ€œO Allahโ€™s Messenger! Excuse and forgive him, for by Him Who revealed the Book to you, Allah brought the Truth which was sent to you at the time when the people of this town (i.e. Medina) had decided unanimously to crown him and tie a turban on his head (electing him as chief).

But when Allah opposed that (decision) through the Truth which Allah gave to you, he (i.e. `Abdullah bin Ubai) was grieved with jealously. and that caused him to do what you have seen.โ€ So Allahโ€™s Messenger excused him, for the Prophet and his companions used to FORGIVE THE PAGANS and the people of Scripture as Allah had ordered them, AND THEY USED TO PUT UP WITH THEIR MISCHIEF WITH PATIENCE. Allah said: โ€œAnd you shall certainly hear much that will grieve you from those who received the Scripture before you and from the

pagansโ€ฆ'(3.186) And Allah also said:โ€“โ€œMany of the people of the Scripture wish if they could turn you away as disbelievers after you have believed, from selfish envy..โ€ (2.109) So the Prophet used to stick to the principle of forgiveness for them as long as Allah ordered him to do so till Allah permitted fighting them. So when Allahโ€™s

Messenger fought the battle of Badr and Allah killed the nobles of Quraish disbelievers through him, Ibn Ubai bin Salul and the pagans and idolaters who were with him, said, โ€œThis matter (i.e. Islam) has appeared (i.e. became victorious).โ€ So they gave the pledge of allegiance (for embracing Islam) to Allahโ€™s Messenger and became Muslims.โ€ (Sahih Bukhari volume 6, Book 60, Hadith 89)

Points to deduce from the above report:

1. We are told that this incident occurred before the Battle of Badr, in Medina.

2. We are told that the Muslims were commanded to be patient even though the polytheists used to make mischief (i.e., used to be violent towards the Muslims).

3. We are told this principle of โ€œforgiving hostilitiesโ€ ended when the Quraish continued with their hostilities in Medina, and verses of the Quran came down with the permission for the Muslims to fight back those who attack them.


This report gives us ample proof that the Muslims in Medina were living peacefully with everyone when they got there. On the other hand, the Muslims were subjected to continued aggression, threats, and war declaration from the Quraysh, hence they had no choice but to defend their community from the hostile Meccans.

Click on the following article showing that Muslims were continually persecuted by Quraysh in Medina: โ€˜The Quraysh Persecuted Muslims When They Fled To Madinahโ€˜.