Jesus Christ was never killed or Crucified
Mohamad Mostafa Nassar

The most important Christian core beliefs the resurrection of Jesus, if Christ did not risen from the dead our preaching is useless and so is your faith, 1 Cor 15:14
Yet the divine witnesses of the most important event stated, in the four gospels which are the main source of the crucifixion story mention many details about Jesus’ resurrection after his burial. If these narrations were inspirations, as the Christians claim, they should be no contradictions and discrepancies.
However, when examining these narrations, we find many contradictions and differences. That means that some of these narrations are wrong, or Matthew is lying in something and Mark lying in something else or Luke and John in lying in something else.
Among these contradictions:
MATTHEW – wrote two women went to the tomb and there was a violent earthquake and saw an angel descending from heaven and rolled the stone and sit on it. The angel told the women to go to Galilee. (See Matthew 28:1-7)
Notice, only Matthew records the earthquake and the women saw the angels descending down from heaven.
LUKE – wrote three women and others went to the tomb and they found the stone already rolled away from the tomb. While they wandering inside the tomb suddenly two men stood beside them. (See Luke 24:1-10)
In Luke there was no earthquake no angel descending down from heaven and the stone already rolled and two men stood beside them.
MARK wrote – three women and found the Stone already rolled away from the tomb entrance, as they entered the tomb they saw a young man sitting on the right side and told the women to inform the disciples and Peter that Jesus going to Galilee. (See Mark 16:1-8)
In Mark there was no earthquake no angel descending down from heaven and only one young man sitting on the right side of the tomb. The stone already rolled away from the entrance.
JOHN wrote and mentioned only one-woman Mary Magdalene coming to the tomb, and she saw the stone had been removed from the tomb entrance, seeing the sepulcher open, she running to Peter and other disciples and informed them about the empty tomb.
Peter and other disciples started for the tomb, and they found it was empty and they went back to where they were staying, while Mary Magdalene left alone, she stood outside the tomb and crying.
As she wept, she looks into the tomb and saw seated where Jesus’ body had been laid. They asked her, why are you crying? At this point she saw Jesus disguised himself as a gardener.
Notice, in John one woman and the stone already removed from the tomb when she reached, there was no earthquake and she didn’t saw angel descending from heaven, she just saw two angels seated where Jesus body had been laid. Only in John’s gospel Jesus appear to Mary Magdalene not in synoptic gospels.
Credit Ismail Jacobs