Christianity: A new faith software is available to download

Jesus said:  

John 14:9 He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?

The Question here is:

Does it mean that he who has killed me, has killed the father?

Whatever the father does the son also does likewise. (John 5:19)

The Question here is:

Does that mean that the father prays to and to whom?

Christians claim that the three hypostases that the trinity consist of such as the father hypostasis, the son hypostasis and the holy Spirit hypostasis were and are INSEPARABLE EVER.

Christian Standard Bible

John 1:18 (No one has EVER SEEN God. The one and only Son, WHO is HIMSELF God and is at the Father’s side —he has revealed him.}

This above mentioned verse shows Christian doctrine appeared to be inclined to inseparable trinity:

1)    God Can not be seen in this life

2)    Jesus and God are the Same which means, do not forget the holy spirit please.

Let us examine potential logical Scenarios whether God consist of hypostases=Trinity that is form one God and if these three parts separate or can not be separated:

First Scenario:

If Christians choose that the three hypostases of the trinity are INSPERARABLE=United, If Christians choose this option, this means according to them when Jesus was crucified and killed, God was killed too because they are one and can not be separated plus the Holy Spirit.

Second Scenario:

If Christians choose that the three hypostases of the trinity are SPERARABLE, this means they have three separate divine entities=Gods.

Third Scenario:

If Christians chooses that the three hypostases of the trinity sometimes SPERARABLE and other times INSEPARABLE, they need to explain how that works and what are the criteria for any separation or integration between those three hypostases of the trinity and most importantly why all this process happen?

Fourth Scenario:

If Christians choose that the three hypostases of the trinity IMPOSSIBLE to be INSPERABLE=United, they will end with three Gods which is the case anyway according to the Christian doctrine that has been heavily influenced by previous pagan trinities.

Fifth Scenario:

The Trinity did not exist in the Old Testament, please check the Crucifixion and Resurrection were Never prophesied in the Bible’s Old Testament link at the end of this article.


The Next Bible update should be like this

Yet, Christians believe That God Almighty “created his “mum” Mary BEFORE he was born for her to Carry him in her womb 9 months while she was 10-12 years old. Then give birth to him and breastfeed him, what was the holy spirit doing there?

Christians say Father is God, Son is God, Holy Spirit is God, and all is ONE GOD because they are all from the SAME essence – So the Question HERE is:

If We have 3 iPhone produced by the SAME company Apple. How many Phones do we have? It would be BETTER in the NEXT Bible Update to say that ALL the 3 Gods are NOT from the Same essence at least to make the “GodFather Unique” Just an idea for the Next Bible update??

Human Sacrifice is a very brutal pagan practice that was NEVER practiced by Any Prophet of God, NEVER EVER.

Allah knows Best

For more reading:

The Crucifixion Hoax

The Resurrection Hoax, a Big Scam

Trinity Crucified! 100s of verses thoroughly destroy the trinity lie.

The Crucifixion and Resurrection were Never prophesied in the Bible’s Old Testament

Almighty Allah is the highest and most knowledgeable, and the attribution of knowledge to him is the safest.

Right from Almighty Allah and wrong from me and Satan

Prepared by Mohamad Mostafa Nassar- Australia. 

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Arrogance is not only a sign of insecurity, but also a sign of immaturity. Mature and fully realised persons can get their points across, even emphatically without demeaning or intimidating others.