Ancient Bibles

[A] Old Testament:

1.) Old Testament of The Hebrew Bible 

– Lost in time

– Jewish – Roman War 66–73 CE

2.) Old Testament of The Greek Bible 

– Is also known by The Septuagint Bible

– Or LXX Bible 

– Was translated from Hebrew bible to Greek in the year 3rd century BCE

– It was finish and book on the 2nd Century

– 72 Jewish scholars were asked by the Greek King of Egypt Ptolemy II Philadelphus to translate the Torah from Biblical Hebrew into Greek, 

– for inclusion in the Library of Alexandria

– It was written in koine Greek 

– It was a manuscript for the Alexandrian Jew (Proselyte Jew NOT the real Children of Yacob)

– The Septuagint should not be confused with the seven or more other Greek versions of the Old Testament

– most of which did not survive except as fragments (some parts of these being known from Origen’s Hexapla, 

3) Origen’s Hexapla

– Is a comparison of six translations in adjacent columns, now almost wholly lost). 

– Of these, the most important are those by Aquila, Symmachus, and Theodotion.

4) Dead Sea Scrolls 

– Is Older than the LXX Bible

– It was written in 408 BCE to 318CE

– Written in ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and Nabataeans Aramaic  

– Was hidden in a cave near Qumran during war times 

– There are 3 main parts of the Scrolls 

I) Some 40% of them are copies of texts from the Hebrew Scriptures,

ii.) Approximately another 30% of them are texts from the Second Temple Period

– Book of Enoch, 

– the Book of Jubilees, 

– the Book of Tobit, 

– the Wisdom of Sirach, 

– Psalms 152–155,

iii.) The remaining roughly 30% of them are sectarian manuscripts 

– Community Rule, 

– the War Scroll, 

– the Pesher on Habakkuk and 

– The Rule of the Blessing


[B] New Testament 

(Inclusive of Old Testament writings)

1.) There are 5 Great uncial Codex

– Codex Vaticanus (year 300 – 325AD)

– Codex Sinaiticus (year 330 – 360 AD)

– Codex Alexandria (year 400-440 AD)

– Codex Ephræmi Rescriptus (year 450 AD)

– Codex Bezae (year 400AD)


2.) All these 5 codices have different Scribal abbreviations or sigla

– Codex Vaticanus – B

– Codex Sinaiticus – ℵ (aleph)

– Codex Alexandria – A

– Codex Ephræmi Rescriptus – C

– Codex Bezae – D


3.) Scribal abbreviations or sigla

– writing style (ℵ / A / B / C / D)

– ancient and medieval scribes writing in Latin, and later in Greek and Old Norse.


4.) Quote from link: 

a.) Codex Vaticanus uses the most ancient system of text division in the Gospels.

b.) Vaticanus has no introduction to the Book of Psalms, which became a standard after 325 AD (Council of Nicea), whereas Sinaiticus and Alexandrinus do. They have different order of book

c.) Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus were part of a project ordered by Emperor Constantine the Great to produce 50 copies of the Bible




Dead Sea Scrolls

Codex Vaticanus

Codex Sinaiticus

Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus

Codex Alexandrinus

Great uncial codices

Rylands Library Papyrus P52

These is why Christianity is so fragile and brittle

Their foundations are based on “Lost” scriptures and were pieces down by hear say