NOTHING, business remains as usual during Pagan Roman empire
- Christians are in the forefront of sinners in the world, not saying Muslims do not sin or others do not sin. But Christians produce Alcohol, sell, promote, and of course drink it.
- Brothels are Licensed.
- Homosexuality is BLESSED by Most churches Nowadays.
- Idols are being made for Jesus, Mary, and Holy spirit in violations of the ten commandments.
Saying Jesu body died AND NOT his Spirit has BACKFIRED at Christians without they realise, as the Claimed Death of Jesus to save people is INCOMPLETE FAKE DEATH since his soul did not taste death at least in his Human form That would be CHEATING
There is NOT escape from Calling the Duck by its Name: Duck, we view Christianity to be blasphemous for many reasons:
1) God would NOT be contained by one of his creations
2) God will NEVER die or fake his death OR pretend he died for anyone.
3) Even if you would like to assume him mum was 16 years old and carried a driving Licence or even 100 years old STILL NO human can contain God that is an insult
4) Claiming Almighty God was bashed, dragged down the streets, crucified on a stick or a cross, killed, buried, and resurrected are complete blasphemous false claims. Almighty God can forgive without ALL those disasters that Christianity attribute it to Almighty God Exalted He.
5) Make sure to compare between How Islam respect God vs Christianity concept of God.
A bit of a Challenge to Christians
So according to Christians Jesus is God and son of God and Holy spirit he is the first and the last right? This means HE Created his 10 or 12 or even if she was 90 years old “Mum” to carry BEFORE He was “BORN”
Then she Gave Birth to “God” and raised him as a kid, breastfeed hi, Toilet, sleepwalk down the street AND she worshipped her son because he is, God But he is her son TOO and after 33 Years more or less he was bashed, spate on dragged down the streets and crucified and killed and buried and after 3 days come back and a Crazy woman was the only witnesses.
And THEN people discover he is God THEN he decided to Go to Heaven as a God to sit down on the Right hand of God who is HIMSELF too- So God went up to heaven to sit down on the right-hand side of HIMSELF FANTASTIC make PERFECT SENSE?
When are you taking shahada to be Muslim and worship the Almighty Allah that Never die nor sleep or each or do that Human stuff OR get CONTAINED in his creations???
The FACT remains that Jesus claimed death did NOT achieve ANY practical think in this Life- Christian countries are sending Army to Kill everywhere, they manufacture Weapons and Arms AND EXPORT it to Muslim countries.
First, no offense intended: This statement “ASSURANCE of eternal life” is radiating Arrogance and ignorance for many reasons:
1) If you guaranteed AUSSURANCE of Eternal Life, what is the purpose of your creation and existence on Earth?
2) Why are you wasting time on earth with us and why do not you go to Heavens as soon as possible, do you wish to die to go to heavens? 3) If you are saved, what is the point of having Judgement Day then?
4) You are going against ◄ Matthew 5:17 ► New International Version “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
5) Salvation in Islam is mixed between the works of heart by fully and completely have faith in the Oneness of God and by good deeds, how are you saved in Christianity by what by JUST lip service belief?
6) How are you truly considering yourself believing in one God when you accept plurality of God which= Polytheism which is against the monotheism?
The Glorious Quran clearly states that Allah exalted he Promise those believe in the ONENESS of God and not 3 in 1 business. Prophets like Abraham, Noah, Moses Jesus, and Muhammed ALL of them DID NOT believe in trinity. The Glorious Quran Crystal clear any person who accept Islam AND do good deeds is promised Paradise BUT not to identify himself like walking tool in this world and brag about it.
He needs to humble himself and awaits Judgement Day rulings THE REASON Islam does NOT Provide PERSONAL ASSURANCES here on Case by Case based HERE in this world so that every Muslim try him BEST to be the BEST version of themselves in having faith and do good deeds. hope that clarifies
Did you know that:
Paul was Saul, and he was one of the Jewish knowledgeable Rabbi and was married to the daughter Of the Boss of the Sanhedrin
But her father decided and agreed with Saul to leave her and allow her to Marry the son of the Roman Emperor to be able to pass a new law in the best interest of the Jews AND Saul agreed also to change his name AND claimed that Jesus is God, pretending that he is a messenger of Jesus peace be upon him.
And Decided to Pretend Jesus is God/son of God, and He is a Messenger of Him so He can INVENT his own bible and CORRUPT the True Message of Prophet Jesus that tried to RECTIFY The Jewish Corruption at the Time
Allah knows Best.