Shi’ism – How To Combat Its Kufr

Shi’ism – How To Combat Its Kufr

Mohamad Mostafa Nassar


By Mujlisul Ulama


Whether it is Yahudi kufr, Nasaara kufr, Hindu kufr, Chinese kufr, Buddhist kufr, white kufr, brown kufr, yellow kufr, black kufr or SHIAH kufr, it – all kufr – is a single satanic breed. All kufr is the antithesis of Imaan, and all kuffaar cherish an inveterate hatred for Islam and Muslims.

The most virulent variety of kufr is SHIAH kufr. Relative to the kufr of all its shaitaani siblings, Shiah kufr is of the worst kind. Compared to Shiah kufr, all other forms of kufr are of peripheral import. The virulence and venom which Shi’ism excretes for the illustrious Sahaabah – venom which is in reality intended for Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) – are not the features of any other brand of kufr.

The fundamental doctrines of the Shia religion are:

(1) Hatred for the Sahaabah=Companions of The Prophet. It is their belief that barring a handful (about half a dozen), the entire Jama’ah of Sahaabah (124,000) had reneged from Islam after the demise of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam).

From among the vast Assembly of Sahaabah, the Shiahs have selected Hadhrat Abu Bakr, Hadhrat Umar, Hadhrat Uthmaan and Hadhrat Aishah (Radhiyallahu anhum) as special targets for the worst kind of vilification and abuse.

(2) The Qur’aan which the entire Muslim Ummah reveres and accepts as the Kalaam of Allah Ta’ala, is denied by Shiahs. They believe that the Qur’aan which we have is a fabrication of the Sahaabah. Never be deluded by any contrary claims made by present-day Shiahs, neo-Shiahs, and pro-Shiahs who masquerade as Muslims. These are all agents of Iblees who peddle the satanic political agenda of the Khomeini Iranian regime.

(3) Shiah Imaams: Shiahs believe in the superiority over the Ambiya of their hallucinority sinless imaams whom they believe were the recipients of Wahi via the agency of Jibraeel (Alayhis salaam) in the same way as Wahi was sent to the Ambiya by Allah Ta’ala.

(4) Taqiyah or Holy Hypocrisy is of paramount importance in the doctrinal system of Shi’ism. This belief requires the proclamation of blatant lies, viz. Concealment of beliefs from Muslims to mislead and delude, and to entrap ignorant Muslims in the tentacles of Shi’ism. Thus, on the basis of Taqiyah, Shiahs will vociferously proclaim that they too accept our Qur’aan; that they do not revile the Sahaabah, etc.

But all such claims are satanic LIES which their confounded doctrine of Taqiyah constrains. Their books of theology – of all Shiah priests – unequivocally declare the true, stinking, corrupt beliefs of Shiah kufr.

Besides these few beliefs, there are more doctrines of virulent kufr and practices which engender absolute revulsion in people of sane intellect.


The one and only way of combating and neutralizing kufr is by means of Ta’leem. Satanic kufr is the product of gross jahaalat (ignorance). The cure for ignorance is education. It devolves in general on intelligent Muslims and in particular on the Ulama, to embark on programmes of educating ignorant Muslim and in particular our children about the religion of the Shiahs.

This department of Amr Bil Ma’roof Nahyi Anil Munkarhas been grossly neglected by the Ulama in general. Without education, there is no way of combating the ugly influences of Shi’ism which operates by conspiracy and by capitalizing on Muslim ignorance, and by dangling the bait of Iranian money in front of such juhala Muslims who are suffering with poverty.


One of the most dangerous threats to Imaan is the deceptive shaitaani call of Shiah-Sunni Unity. There can never be such unity. The chasm between kufr and Imaan, especially Shiah kufr, is unbridgeable.

Muslims should also refrain from becoming enmeshed in debates with Shiahs. Such debates are destructive. Shiahs have their holy-hypocrisy doctrine of Taqiyah which is their potent weapon used for upsetting the apple cart of Truth. Since the ignorant public is satanically ignorant of Shiah LIES based on Taqiyah, they are swayed by deception to fall into the trap of LIES and FALSEHOOD proclaimed by the Shiahs.

The Ulama should suffice with intelligent rebuttals and with programmes of education to educate Muslims, especially the children of the Ummah. Ultimately, Hidaayat (the guidance of Imaan) is Allah’s prerogative. The Qur’aan Majeed repeatedly states that “Allah guides whomever He wills, and misleads whomever He wills.” Our obligation is to only deliver the Message of Truth.

Allah knows Best.