The Goal of Christianity Exposed: Take your money and rape your child

Widespread Sexual Child Abuse by Christian Clergy

Christian clergy have been under much scrutiny over a long series of scandals involving sexual child abuse.
The abuse has occurred in communities large and small, in private homes and in church. In 2008, the Pope was apologizing again, this time in person to President Bush, about the extent of the child sex abuse in the Catholic Church in the USA and the Canadian prime minister made an official apology to his indigenous population,
because “between 1870 and 1996, an estimated 150,000 indigenous children were wrenched from their homes and sent to Christian boarding schools, where many were sexually and physically abused”.
Not even schools have been safe from the secret violence. The worst frequency of abuse has been when Christians themselves live with other Christians, as we see in “Christianity and Sexuality: The Damaging Results of Faulty Teachings: 6. Internal Abuse” by Vexen Crabtree (2015).

In 2010 the Pope met with German senior Catholics to discuss 170 child abuse cases by German priests, and German Bishop Robert Zollitsch apologised again to victims of the abuse.

In 2001 the Pope sent an apology by e-mail for a string of injustices committed by clergy in the Pacific nations, which included priests and missionaries forcing nuns to have sex and then abortions” — “Pope denounces ‘evil’ sex priests” (BBC News 2002)

Father James Porter victimized 200 minors in the 12 years between 1960 and 1972 when he was active in the priestly ministry. Many of his victims report violent rape, cruel humiliation, and punishment that can only be described as sadistic. One priest who “saw” Porter rape a child defended him, when confronted by a parishioner, with response, “Father is only human.” In 1993 he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 18 years in prison for a portion of his offenses.

Many priests, even those sent for psychiatric treatment for child abuse, are kept in positions of authority in the Church. Maybe because the Church is lacking so many priests, and to expel them all would be too damaging to the structure of the Church.
More than a dozen suicides by priests facing public exposure of their sexual activity were recorded between 1990 and 1993.

8 solicitors representing 8 firms say that the “Catholic Church is incapable of stopping abuse and must be called to account. They have written a letter to The Times (17 January) saying that the Church is still covering up crimes by priests and is incapable of policing itself. They call for a full public inquiry not only into the Catholic Church but also into the Church of England”.
The solicitors said: From cases we are handling currently, we are aware of some 41 Catholic priests who have been convicted of serious sexual offences in the recent past. Yet these very same organisations, particularly in the Catholic Church, have persistently ignored and in many cases covered up complaints of abuse and we believe these are the tip of the iceberg. The culture of cover-up has been embedded in the Catholic Church for decades if not centuries. The Times 2012 Jan 17

On 2011 September 23 , the IHEU (International Humanist and Ethical Union) spoke at the 18th session of the UN Human Rights Council, condemning the Vatican “for attempting to undermine democracy and human rights by insisting that child abuse cases be judged under the churches’ own rules of canon law rather than the laws of the state”

“Over 800 complaints of sexual abuse had been lodged against priests in 2008. However, only 10 of those complaints involved recent activity; most of the complaints involved alleged offenses in the 1960s and 1970s, and nearly all of the priests accused are deceased, retired, or otherwise inactive.
Several dioceses declined to participate fully in the audits and child-protection programs suggested by the staff of the bishops’ conference. Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Nebraska, has consistently refused to allow audits.”

Seven years earlier:“Thousands of newly released personnel files show that the Archdiocese of Boston went to great lengths to hide priests accused of abuse, including clergy who allegedly snorted cocaine and had sex with girls aspiring to be nuns. The first round of the documents, roughly 3,000 pages, on eight Roman Catholic priests were made public Tuesday on a Superior Court order.
They included allegations that clergy sexually abused teenage girls and used cocaine and other drugs, and that one led a “double life” by carrying on an affair with a female parishioner. Many of the priests whose files were released are not among the 400 clergy members targeted in the dozens of lawsuits against the archdiocese. But attorneys for plaintiffs hope the documents show the archdiocese had a habit of transferring priests to other parishes even after accusations of child abuse.”

Another seven years earlier:“Several accounts already record the extent, history and struggles of the sexual abuse of minors by priests in the United States (Berry, 1992; Burkett & Bruni, 1993; Rossetti, 1990; Sipe, 1990a). A quick review of the alleged priest abusers who have come to legal attention demonstrates the trend: 10 priests of a total of 97 in a Southwestern diocese; 9 of 110 in a Midwestern diocese; 7 of 91 in a Southern diocese; 15 of 220, and 40 in a diocese of 279 in the Eastern United States. Sixty Catholic priests and brothers were in prison on sexual abuse charges as of September 1994.”“Sex, Priests and Power: Anatomy of a Crisis” by Richard Sipe (1995)8

One of the latest summaries is that of the famous liberal, Bishop John Selby Spong, in 2009, who admits that despite the horrific events that have been uncovered so far, there is more to come: “There was a history of bishops and archbishops moving offending clergy to another jurisdiction rather than confronting the issue. [… If] the abuse and the cover-up were quite systemic, […] it must have involved people in high places, including bishops, archbishops and cardinals. […] I do not […] believe that thus far there has been anything like a full disclosure, so the issue will not end yet.” Retired Bishop John Selby Spong (2009)22