Christianity Is Destroying the U.S. and the World
The more Christians in a state the lower the level of education.
The more Christians in a state the lower the average household income.
The more Christians in a state the lower the average I.Q..
The more Christians in a state the more teen pregnancies.
The more Christians in a state the more sexually transmitted diseases.
The more Christians in a state the more child maltreatment deaths.
The more Christians in a state the higher the percentage of drug and alcohol abuse.
The more Christians in a state the more Diabetes.
The more Christians in a state the more obesity.
The more Christians in a state the more heart disease.
The more Christians in a state the lower the life expectancy.
Christian’s opposition to contraception and sex education
Christian’s opposition to contraception (the use of condoms) in AIDs ravaged countries is contributing to the spread of HIVs / AIDs. Christian’s opposition to the use of contraception and sex education in school is contributing to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and increase in teen pregnancy and child maltreatment deaths.
Christian’s teaching children that superstitions and myths are true is teaching children what to think not how to think.
Numerous studies show that Christian children have lower I.Q.s and are less likely to be able to distinguish fact from fiction. Christians teens score lower in college entrance exams. Christian adults have lower levels of education, earn less money, have more health problems and are more likely to be addicted to drugs and alcohol.
Christians Against Math, Science, Logic and Reason
Christians Rather Teach Myths Than Science – Christians Against Teaching Evolution
Christians Against Finding Cures Through Stem Cell Research

Most Christians are Climate Change Deniers
Many Christians either don’t understand facts, math and science or just don’t care. If you believe that the world is going to end any minute and you will either be lifted up to the pearly gates or be dammed to eternal hellfire than why would you care about what happens to the earth.
Christians Against Marriage Equality and LGBT Rights
Christians Against Separation of Church and State – This Country was found on the separation of Church and State NOT on Christianity.

Christians Against Women’s Rights
Christians Against Refugees – I Guess Christians Forgot About These Bible Verses